Choose the side of the funnel plot with missing studies Standard and contour-enhanced funnel plot for the observed and imputed studies Multivariate meta-regression Multivariate meta-analysis Fixed-effects and random-effects multivariate meta-regression ...
2. 两变量柱状图(Bar plot of two variables) 3. 两轴组合柱状图(Combined bar plots with two axes) 4. 并排水平柱状图(Side by side horizontal bar plot)(基于命令betterbar) 5. 两变量堆积柱状图(Stack bar graph by two variables) 6. 并排水平柱状图(Side by side horizontal bar plot)(基于命令weight...
Often in practice, subjects may withdraw from a study, say, because of severe side effects from a treatment or may be lost to follow-up because of moving to a different location. Here the information about the outcome that subject would have experienced at the end of the study had he ...
It then apportions the summed observed counts and summed expected counts into the quantiles on either side of the boundary in such a way as to make the total number of observations in each group exactly equal. Here's an example: . lfit, group(5) table equal Logistic model for low, ...
mi(`1')localgroup_size=floor(`r(N)' / `bins')/*createrankedlistofmarginson+and-sideofzero*/egenpos_rank=rank(`xvar') if `xvar'>0&!mi(`xvar'), uniqueegenneg_rank=rank(-`xvar') if `xvar'<0&!mi(`xvar'), unique/*hack:multiplybinsbytwosothisworks*/localbins=`bins' * 2/...
9、lid gross, over(year) blabel(bar,position(outside)yline(30000) stackblabel(bar, position(outside):以条柱的高度数值给条柱添加标签,位置在条柱的右;yline(300000):标识线的绘制,注意的是:该函数在blabel的括号内6饼图:用圆形及圆内扇形的大小表示总体中各部分所占比例的统计图,通常用来表示各部...
Gtools uses compiled C code to achieve it's massive increases in speed. This has two side-effects users might notice: First, it is sometimes not possible to break the program's execution. While this is already true for at least some parts of most Stata commands, there are fewer opportunit...
temp[pw=weight]ifSize==1,asyvars stack///over(new,relabel(1"july"2"January")lab(labsize(*1)))///over(region,gap(30)label(angle(20)labsize(small)))///blabel(bar,gap(1)position(outside)format(%3.1f)color(black)size(small))///legend(label(1"July")label(2"January")size(small)...
(1)将纵向条形图改成横向条形图 (2)为每个条柱增加标签,内容为条柱的高度,位置在条柱的右方 (3)在300000数值处画一条标识线 完成以上设置,用户需要重新输入绘制图形的命令如下: graph hbar current solid gross, over(year) blabel(bar, position(outside) yline(300000) 在这个命令语句中,“graph hbar...
// Controlling the side of the graph that the axis is on sysuse auto, clear twoway /// (histogram mpg, width(5) yscale(alt axis(1)) ) /// (line weight mpg, yaxis(2) yscale(alt axis(2)) sort) stata 可视化 © 本文版权归 一碗刀削面 所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 © 了解...