老师,请问连续型did做平行趋势检验,在循环的生成pre i那里的treat==1应该改成什么呀 2024-04-18 18:50回复 蔚梓逸_一样的,treat==1。 多期did 生成treat可使用参考;: bys 个体 : egen treat=max(did) 2024-04-18 22:271回复 醉仙如梦未见月 up大哥,泰尔指数测算合并那里,显示not found,怎么操作啊 20...
(file urc_cntstenvsanpy.dta not found) file urc_cntstenvsanpy.dta saved (11 vars, 487 obs) Contains data Observations: 485 Variables: 11 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ---
test[fee1_mean]X1 =[fee2_mean]X1 SUR似无相关检验没研究清楚,先放在这,占个坑位,上面自用的代码,最后一步test总是显示fee1_mean not found,不知为何???!!! 好的我搞懂了! test[fee1_mean]X1 =[fee2_mean]X1,这句命令的中括号前后不能出现空格,否则就寄。 补充下SUR似无相关检验,分组数据回归在...
\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_notfound.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_parse.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_regexm.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayesstats.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayesstats_...
\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_mcmc_priornotfound.ado C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_mcmc_read_simdata.ado C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_mcmc_report.ado C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\_\_mcmc_run.ado Stata Installation (Details) Thu Apr 20 18:36:28 CDT 2023...
STEP2,将虚拟的treat或period变量与原始数据进行一对多匹配。对于面板数据而言,一个虚拟变量要对应一个城市id的多个年份数据,所以是一对多匹配(merge 1:m id using ***.dta)。对于截面数据而言,一个虚拟变量对应一个城市id,就是一对一匹配(merge 1:1 id using ***.dta)。
Here we treat and as predetermined and use lagged levels as instruments. The footer informs us that we are now including GMM-type instruments from the first lag of on back and from the first lag of on back. xtabond — Arellano–Bond linear dynamic panel-data estimation 37 Technical ...
D: Dummy of treatement, equal to 1 if units are treated, and otherwise 0 (numeric) Syntax sdid Y S T D [if] [in], vce(method) seed(#) reps(#) covariates(varlist [, method]) zeta_lambda(real) zeta_omega(real) min_dec(real) max_iter(real) method(methodtype) unstandardized gra...
lasso will be unlikely to choose the covariates that belong in the true model, but it will choose covariates that are collinear with them, and that works a treat for prediction. If English is not your first language, by “works a treat”, I mean great. Anyway, the lasso command is for...
lassowill select the covariates from thex‘s specified and fit the model on them.lassowill be unlikely to choose the covariates that belong in the true model, but it will choose covariates that are collinear with them, and that works a treat for prediction. If English is not your first la...