在STATA中,遇到“too many or no variables specified”错误通常意味着在执行某个命令时,没有正确指定所需的变量,或者指定了过多的变量。以下是对这个问题的详细解答: 错误含义: “too many or no variables specified”错误表明在执行命令时,变量列表的指定存在问题。可能是没有提供任何变量,或者提供的变量数量超...
STATA导出EXCEL时提示导出too many or no variables specified 导出XLSX格式。 如果选择xls格式行数有限
When the number of variables in a dataset to be analyzed with Stata is larger than 2,047 (likely with large surveys), the dataset is divided into several segments, each saved as a Stata dataset (.dta file). To work with information contained in two or more .dta files, it is necessary...