help ksmir No entries found for search on "ksmir" A help file for ksmir was not found, so Stata automatically performed a search on the word. The message indicates that a search of ksmir also produced no results. You should type search followed by what you are really looking for: ...
These commands are central to the processes of learning about Stata (for new users) and of understanding an unfamiliar dataset (for all users). This insert presents varxplor, a tool that might be viewed as an interactive form of the describe command, in much the same sense that Stata's ...
CEM bounds the degree of model dependence and causal effect estimation error by ex ante user choice, is montonic imbalance bounding (so that reducing the maximum imbalance on one variable has no effect on others), does not require a separate procedure to restrict data to common support, meets ...
master data .gitignore README cem-stata.pdf cem-stata.tex cem.ado cem.pkg cem.sthlp imb.ado imb.sthlp listwise.ado listwise.sthlp stata.toc Breadcrumbs cem-stata / Latest commit mattblackwell updated manual Jul 28, 2020 ...
If you have found the STB useful, you owe these scholars a debt of gratitude. I hope and expect to continue receiving inserts and other support from the outgoing editors. The success of the STB in promoting communication among Stata users and in making new features available quickly has far ...
找一遍文献看一下,coarsened exact matching in stata,讲的比较详细,the stata journal很不错的 ...
The syntax is chkdup varname chkdup can be found in the dm4 directory on the STB-4 diskette. gr8 Printing a series of Stata graphs John A. Anderson, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire [Prof. Anderson has created two .bat files related to this article. They may be...
help ksmir No entries found for search on "ksmir" A help file for ksmir was not found, so Stata automatically performed a search on the word. The message indicates that a search of ksmir also produced no results. You should type search followed by what you are really looking for: ...