//设置表格相关格式,例如显著性水平的显示 esttab using table9.csv, b(%12.3fc) label se ar2 nogap star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(x control1 control2) order(x control1 control2) replace
今天学习了一个新的描述性统计命令,并且把结果导出到Excel/Word里。描述性统计命令: logout, save("选择文件保存路径并对保存的文件命名") word replace: tabstat varlist, s(N mean sd min max) f(%12.3f) col(s) tabstat是进行表格格式统计(table statistics);s()为设定所需统计量(statistics)内容,若需...
The output is in Excel's xml format. This format allows for a very feature-rich table that takes advantage of many of Excel's capabilities. Here's a simple example. svy, subpop(subpop): mean enerbev1 enerfood1 enertot1 xml_tab e(b), save('d:\statatemp ml_tab.xml') replace ...
76 thoughts on “Stata: 輸出regression table到word和excel” Recent Comments Yunaon2023年徵文第一名:豈曰無衣,與子同袍 by 金旻 Wordviceon論文寫作索引 researcher20onStata: 敘述統計(descriptive statistics)之二 emmaonStata: 敘述統計(descriptive statistics)之二 ...
The discussion below is brief, intended only to point you to the command you might need. See the help for each command for details. tabout(主要用于tabulation) The tabout command produces publication-quality cross tabulations. Lots of features are available to customize the table. The output fi...
The output file is tab-delimited and has the extension .out. Open the file in Word, highlight the rows of results, click on Insert, Table, Convert text to table. outreg2 This is an extension of outreg to enhance its capabilities with multiple models and to provide more format options. ...
1、Export results to Excel_ using Stata 了解如何使用Stata的putexcel命令将结果导出到Excel工作簿。 2、Likelihood-ratio tests in Stata 本视频介绍了Stata 18中用于执行似然比测试的lrtest命令。 3、Tables Builder in Stata, part 1 Introduction 这是Tables Builder系列中的第一个视频。本视频将向您介绍Stata ...
st: Copying Stata (Table) results to Excel From: Kaspar Dardas <kaspar.dardas@googlemail.com> Prev by Date: Re: st: RE: Interpretation of quadratic terms Next by Date: AW: st: AW: Copying Stata (Table) results to Excel Previous by thread: st: AW: Copying Stata (Table) results...
FromKaspar Dardas <kaspar.dardas@googlemail.com> Tostatalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subjectst: Copying Stata (Table) results to Excel DateWed, 10 Mar 2010 10:41:42 +0100 Follow-Ups: st: AW: Copying Stata (Table) results to Excel
至于Excel,和Stata table命令对应的是pivot数据透视表。 Python的话,是pandas中的pivot_table函数。 (至于R?最近有点忙,没空折腾它...) 1 Stata 中的table vs Excel 中的数据透视表 我们先看下最基础的table制表命令,以及Stata官方对它的定位: “table -- Flexible table of summary statistics” ...