1、Quarterly date from daily date 导入数据,查看数据 usedate.dtadesced 可以发现Date2 is a string date variable 然后进行转换 gen datevar=date(date2,"MDY", 2099)format datevar %tdgen quarterly = qofd(datevar)format quarterly %tq 2、Quarterly date from monthly date gen month = month(datevar...
20000708$7,233.447233.4486%d/注意到price2和percent2均变为数据值型变量double和byte *3.3.2数值型转化为字符型:tostringwebusetostri ng, clear/*该数据中年月日的数据类型不一样,不能直接相加生成一个反映日期的新变量*/des/注意到mo nth为字符型,而年和日为数值型listgen date仁month+” 19、”+day+...
. . state str2 %9s State/Province stko byte %8.0g Stock Ownership Code weburl str38 %38s Web URL dldte str10 %10s Research Company Deletion Date ipodate str10 %10s Company Initial Public Offering Date --- Sorted by: . ta fyear,m Data Year - | Fiscal | Freq. Percent Cum. ---+...
How can I turn a string variable containing dates into a date variable Stata can recognize? How can I extract a portion of a string variable using regular expressions? Error messages How can I handle the matsize too small error? How can I handle the No Room to Add Observations error? How...
String functions help string functions 1. 实例:股利分配数据(第一列为发布时间,第二列为数额),需要将时间变量切割为年月日。 实现思路:使用tostring命令将数字转化为文字,再进行切割。 use tostring2.dta, clear tostring date_pub,gen(date1) // 数字--》文字 ...
update query : see if Stata is up to date adoupdate : see if user-written commands are up to date exit : exit the program (,clear if dataset is not saved) Data manipulation commands generate : create a new variable describe : describe a data set or current contents of memory ...
Date and time functions Updated Complete suite of functions for manipulating dates and datetimes, including support for business calendars and leap seconds Convert dates and datetimes in string form to numeric form with great flexibility, including support for any order of year, month, day, hour,...
cntrade2 codelist, [s:tart(string)e:nd(string) s:tock i:ndex] codelist 一列股票代码,使用空格分割。 对于每一个股票代码会输出一个Stata数据集文件; 输出的数据集中包含了该股票的交易数据; 输出数据集的名字是上市公司的股票代码; 中国上市公司的股票代码为六位数字,这不同与纽约证券交易所。 例如: ...
string ""125. 2厂“$2, 343. 68""I love you"“旺材是 24、条狗"注童前四个字符串均不相同,大小写是不一样的,有无空格及空格的位置不 同,都表示不同的字符审。对于"125. 27*这样的数值型的字符吊,可以用real () 函数或者destring命令转化成数值型变量。具体操作见3. 3. 1©323日期型变量在...
The commands here are also faster than the commands provided byftools; further,gtoolscommands take a mix of string and numeric variables, which is a limitation offtools. (Note I could not get several parts offtoolsworking on the Linux server where I have access to Stata/MP; hence the IC ...