rmsg可以帮助我们了解代码运行的时间,以便优化代码。 # Synax set rmsg [on | off] [, permanently] 假设我们我们想知道从1循环到100000需要多久 cls set rmsg on forvalues k = 1(1)100000{ display `k' } ... 99997 99998 99999 100000 r; t=0.87 0:39:24 0.4 log log可以将输入及输出等过程内容...
set rmsg off 用时0.01秒 set rmsg on webuse grunfeld, clear qui rolling mean=r(mean),window(10):sum invest set rmsg off 用时0.79秒,速度是几十倍的提高。 3, 股票分组构造投资组合(astile) 诺贝尔奖得主尤金法玛是实证资产定价这个领域的祖师爷,Fama(1992)的经典论文里给出了构造股票定价因子(市值...
The commandset rmsg ontells Stata to show us the amount of time taken on the previous command. If you use that command beforemfx, Stata will tell you how longmfxtook after it is done. On my computer, it took close to the same time withforceas without. Useset rmsg offwhen you are...
clearsetrmsg on//show how long the command tooksetobs9999999gen n=_n scalar target=5201314 遍历查找 代码语言:javascript 复制 *遍历查找 forvalues guess=1/`=_N'{ if`guess'==target{dis"找到"target"啦!"continue,break}}/* Output: 找到5201314 啦! r; t=42.98 10:55:14 */ 二分查找 代码...
set rmsg on r; t=0.00 10:21:22 [U] 8 Error messages and return codes 38 sometime during your session, Stata would display return messages: . summarize tempjan Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max tempjan 954 35.74895 14.18813 r; t=0.01 10:21:26 2.2 72.6 The line that reads r; ...
Stata 日志文件操作指南说明书
If you're used to it being on the bottom, you can move it there. SOME HELPFUL HINTS If you want to see how much time it took to run your last command and if you want to be reminded of the time, set return messages as follows: set rmsg on The default memory setting may be...
args msg myprog2 “`msg’” display “bye” end set trace on //下面这几个一起选中执行 set tracenumber on //每个执行都有对应的行编号 set tracedepth 2 //根据嵌套进行缩进 myprog1 hello set tracedepth 32000 set tracenumber off *Unab把缩写的变量扩展成全称 ...
import delimited "~\EventStudyInteracts\benchmark\bench.csv", clear timer clear set rmsg on gen never_treat1 = never_treat=="true" eventstudyinteract y g_* g0-g16, cohort(first_treat) control_cohort(never_treat1) absorb(i.id i.t) r; t=284.17 eventstudyinteract y g_* g0-g16, co...
. mata : mata query Mata settings set matastrict off set matalnum off set mataoptimize on set matafavor space may be space or speed set matacache 400 kilobytes set matalibs lmatabase;lmataado;lmataopt;l_cfrmt set matamofirst off