我从Excel表中将年龄数据粘贴到了stata中,不只为什么显示为红色字(即为字符型),我使用destring a103,replace的命令,结果显示a103 contains nonnumeric characters; no replace,然后仍然还是字符型的,我应该怎么办才能转化为数值型 试一下encode varname, gen (newvarname)。varname是字符型变量,newvarname没问题的话...
[by varlist1:] command [varlist2] [=exp] [if exp] [in range] [weight] [using filename] [,options] [by varlist1:]:在varlist1中的每个唯一变量组合上应用该命令 command [varlist2]:函数command作用于varlist2 [=exp]:将输出保存为新变量 [if exp]:仅当某值为真时应用函数 [in range]:...
ssc install medsem,replace 命令medsem是专门用于sem命令之后计算中介效应的。 语法格式为: medsem - Mediation analysis using structural equation modelling medsem, indep(varname) med(varname) dep(varname) [mcreps(number) stand zlc rit rid] 选项含义为: indep(varname)代表解释变量(X); med(varname...
请看看Stata对encode的说明:encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name. Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as ...
图片 解决办法1: ssc install synth, replace 合成控制法的Stata命令,Abadie et al. (2010)提供了合成控制法的Stata程序 synth,由于该命令是一个外部命令,因此可以重新下载。 由于部分使用者直接将外部命令ado/plus下面的synth外部命令copy到自己的电脑上,因此经常会出现旧版本的问题,建议重新下载安装。
1999 09 00.destring date replace想把dale转换成数值型,但失败了,系统提示说*date contains non-nuinerk characters; no replace /*由于含有非数值型字符(即空格),因此没有更新,也即转换命令没有执行。*/.destring date, replace ignoref* »)/*忽略空格,然后转换,注意这里的"“中date: 29、characters sp...
If the option replace is used, then the newvar is replaced if it exists. 7.4 Pooled Estimations All coefficients can be pooled by including them in pooled(varlist). The constant is pooled by using the pooledconstant option: xtdcce2 d.log_rgdpo L.log_rgdpo log_hc log_ck log_ngd ...
*Syntax语言 capture program drop myprog program myprog version 15 syntax varlist [if] [in][,adjust(real 1) title(string)] display "varlist contains |varlist'|" display " if contains |if'|" display " in contains |in'|" display "adjust contains |adjust'|" display "title contains |`tit...
4.Key variables cannot be strLs. If filename is specified without an extension, then.dta is assumed. ---Translation:--- 其中需要注意的是: 1)关键匹配变量不能为字符型数据 遇到这种情况可以使用destring [string_var_name],replace force转换为数值型变量 2)如果传入的文件名...
id(string)vector of IDs if W is a non sparse mata matrix. If a frame is used, thenid()contains the varible names of the time indicator (if applicable), the origin and destination of the flows. normalize(string)which normalization to use for spatial weight matrix. Default is row normalisa...