使用Stata,设置设置面板数据的两个字段,报错: .xtset pac year repeated time values within panelr(451); 可见这两个字段是有重复项了,使用下面的命令查看问题所在 .duplicates list pac year 得到如下结果,可以看出是哪一行数据出现了问题 重复项 解决方法: 查看原始数据,筛选一下问题在哪,把原始数据中的重复项...
repeated time values within panel r(451); What should I do next? Answer Panel data are defined by an identifier variable and a time variable. Each combination of identifier and time should occur, at most, once. That is, any such combination might appear either once or not at all, as ga...
在STATA中遇到“repeated time values within panel”错误通常意味着在面板数据集中,同一面板(个体或单位)中存在重复的时间值。这个问题可能会导致数据分析出现偏差或错误。以下是根据你提供的提示逐步解答这个问题的方法: 1. 理解“repeated time values within panel”问题的含义 这个问题指的是在同一个面板单元内,时...
duplicates report id year duplicates list id year duplicates tag id year, gen(isdup) edit if isdupdrop isdup 对比下,看自己哪个是dup了 (stata官网提供的解决r451错误的网址:FAQ: Dealing with reports of repeated time values within panel) ...
stata创建面板数据时报错repeated time values within panel如何解决 duplicates report code year duplicates list code year duplicates drop code year duplicates drop code year , force 如图所示,解决 之后,构造面板数据,成功
stata的repeated time values within panel 在Stata中,"repeated time values within panel" 指的是面板数据中的重复时间值。具体来说,面板数据集通常包含每个个体的多个观察值,每个观察值都有自己的时间戳。如果在面板数据集中,某个个体在相同的时间点有多个观察值,这就意味着存在重复的时间值。例如,如果有两个...
And I am receiving the following error: "repeated time values within panel" and I am not sure how to solve this because I believe in my case this is not problematic given that it's typical for social media users to post several times within the same day, which my time unit in this ...
但此时回报错(错误信息为:time variable not set),因为 Stata 并不知道按照什么样的时间滞后 应在先告诉 Stata 那个是时间变量。完整代码如下: sysuse sp500, clear tsset date gen open_lag1=l1.open 对于panel 数据,使用 tsset year 语句会报错(错误信息显示为:stata repeated time values in sample)。因为...
meanonly - if r(min) == 0 { if "`panel'" != "" { di in red "repeated time values within panel" } else { di in red "repeated time values in sample" } exit 451 } - if "`force'" == "" { = if "" == "" { - if r(min) < `scdelta' { = if r(min) < __000002...
太厉害了吧!!!stata创建面板数据时报错repeated time values within panel如何解决 大师姐数据分析 985硕士 精通SPSS AMOS Stata Mplus1 人赞同了该文章 duplicates report N66 Year duplicates list N66 Year duplicates drop N66 Year duplicates drop N66 Year , force 可以啦 牛逼...