语法含义khb model-type depvar key-vars || z-vars [if] [in] [weight] [ , options ] 模型类型可以是regression、logit、logit、probit、oprobit、cloglog、{help logit}、scobit、rologit、clogit、xtlogit、xtprobit和mlogit中的任何一种。其他模型也可能产生输出,但目前这种输出被认为是“实验性的”。 depv...
其中,weights(weights_matrix) is always required. It specifies the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used in the estimation of the requested spatial regression model. This matrix must have been generated by spatwmat. eigenval(eigen_matrix) is always required. It specifies the name of th...
S456871 HNBREG1: Stata module to estimate Heterogeneous linear negative binomial regression (NB-1) by Joseph Hilbe S456870 HCNBREG: Stata module to estimate Heterogeneous Canonical Negative Binomial Regression by Joseph Hilbe S456869 METAMISS: Stata module to perform meta-analysis with missing data by...
Treatment-effects estimation Number of obs = 4642 Estimator : regression adjustment Outcome model : linear Treatment model: none --- | Robust bweight | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---+--- ATE | mbsmoke | (smoker vs | nonsmoker) ...
How can I check for collinearity in survey regression? How can I do a t-test with survey data? How can the standard errors with the cluster() option be smaller than those without the cluster() option? (from Stata FAQs) Do the svy commands handle zero weights differently than non-svy co...
p(pvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the point estimator. The default is p(1) (local linear regression).p(pvalue)设定多项式阶数,默认为1,局部线性回归。 kernel(kernelfn) specifies the kernel function used to construct the global polynomial estimators. kernelfn...
2.跑你的regression 3.写下这行指令esttab using test.rtf,然后就会出现个漂亮的表格给你(WORD文档)。只要再小幅修改,就可以直接用了。这个档案会存在my document\stata下。如果你用打开的是一个stata do file,结果会保存到do文件所在文件夹中。如果要得到excel文件...
// Estimate the stacked regression // Create dummy variables for event-time char event_time[omit] -1 xi i.event_time // Run regression qui reghdfe unins i.treat##i._I* [aw = stack_weight], cluster(statefip) absorb(treat event_time) ...
p(pvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the point estimator. The default is p(1) (local linear regression).p(pvalue)设定多项式阶数,默认为1,局部线性回归。 q(qvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the bias correction. The default...
aweights, fweights, iweights, and pweights are allowed; see weight. noheader, notable, plus, mse1, and coeflegend do not appear in the dialog box. See [R] regress postestimation for features available after estimation. MenuStatistics > Linear models and related > Linear regression Description...