是一个很简单而常见的问题,标题有点标题党了,说的是在做logit/probit回归时,有时候在stata面板输出的回归结果之上看到一行黑色的字:varname !=0 predicts failure perfectly, varname dropped and x obs not used.很多人可能都多多少少好奇过这句话,但是只要这个不是关注的主要解释变量,反正出现这句note也不影响...
= 0 predicts success perfectly; restecg omitted and 17 obs not used. note: isfbs != 0 predicts success perfectly; isfbs omitted and 3 obs not used. note: male != 1 predicts success perfectly; male omitted and 2 obs not used. Iteration 0: Iteration 1: Iteration 2: Iteration 3: Log...
Re: st: x predicts failure perfectly?, Richard J Stoll (Mon Apr 05 14:20:47 2004) st: Selecting Best Regression Equation using STATA, wildscop (Mon Apr 05 13:41:46 2004) Re: st: Selecting Best Regression Equation using STATA, Clive Nicholas (Mon Apr 05 15:20:20 2004) Re: st...
st: Re: predicts success perfectly, Christopher F Baum (Mon Jun 30 05:50:00 2003) st: error bars on bar plots, Stephen McKay (Mon Jun 30 03:40:05 2003) st: RE: error bars on bar plots, Nick Cox (Mon Jun 30 08:50:40 2003) st: graphics, generally; also, error bars, ...
st: > mfx from probit for variables for which I initially get the message "predicts failure perfectly" >, Luca Fumarco (Tue Apr 24 05:40:10 2012) st: Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stata, Alan Acock (Tue Apr 24 10:10:12 2012) Re: st: Interpreting and Visualiz...