S456979 ICCCONF: Stata module to compute a confidence interval for an intraclass correlation (ICC) byPaul F. Visintainer S456978 SAMPICC: Stata module to compute sample size for an intra-class correlation (ICC) byPaul F. Visintainer S456977 TABLETUTORIAL: Stata module to provide tutorial on ...
227 IOT: Stata module to estimate Leontief Input-Output Table 228 DENTON: Stata module to interpolate a flow or stock series from low-frequency totals via proportional Denton method 229 SPWEIGHTXT: Stata module to compute Panel Spatial Weight Matrix 230 IVENDOG: Stata module to calculate Durbin-...
* 输出结果 estpost cor roa did treat post rdi size lev intensity cash grow inddir top1 soe age ,matrix eststo cor esttab cor using 相关性分析.rtf , not unstack noobs compress nogaps replace /// star( * 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01 ) b(%9.3f) /// title(correlation coefficient matrix) //...
S456979 ICCCONF: Stata module to compute a confidence interval for an intraclass correlation (ICC) by Paul F. Visintainer S456978 SAMPICC: Stata module to compute sample size for an intra-class correlation (ICC) by Paul F. Visintainer S456977 TABLETUTORIAL: Stata module to provide tutorial o...
How can I make a correlation matrix heat map? How can I graph chi-square power curves in Stata? Where can I find examples of user written graph commands for Stata? How can I do a profile plot in Stata? How can graph group means and standard deviations for ANOVA? How can I combine ...
(4)Extraction:Method框中选Principal components;Analyze框中选Correlation matrix;Display框中选Unrotated factor solution;Extract框中选Eigenvalues over,数值为0;Maxium Iteration for convergence中默认值为25。(5)结果显示在Output中:提取“Total Variance Explained”中主成分的累计贡献率大于等于85%的主成分个数;“...
Det(correlation matrix) 0.2454 示例2 文献来源 Sinha, A., et al. (2024).Modeling the behavior of renewable energy market: Understanding the moderation of climate risk factors Appendix A. Supplementary data【数据+Stata+R+Matlab】 示例代码
. matrix accum R =varlist, nocons dev . matrix R = corr(R) The first line places the cross-product matrix of the data inR. The second line converts that to a correlation matrix.
scatter e le //对残差和残差的滞后一期做散点图 ac e //查看残差e自相关图 pac e //查看残差e偏自相关图 //pa即patial,c即correlation corrgram e // 残差的相关系数矩阵 corrgram 中的corr即correlation相关系数的意思,gra即graph,做图形的意思,matrix矩阵,即可以用图形的方式展示相关系数矩阵 help estat ...
graph matrix y x1 x2,half(画出各个变量的两两x-y图) stem x1(做x1的茎叶图) 可以看出数据分布状况,尤其是最大、最小值 step2.用tabulate、list细致寻找极端值 tabulate code if x1==极端值(作出x1等于极端值时code的频数分布表,code表示地区、年份等序列变量,这样便可找出那些地区的数值出现了错误) ...