研究问答 请问STATA导入数据excel数据时提示out of memory是怎么回事呢,错误类型为r(3900),请问该如何解决。 全部评论(2) 梁辰 在导入之前输入set excelxlsxlargefile on试一下 也可以将excel转换为csv,使用insheet语句导入 2020-02-13 15:38:48 回复 0 豆包 您需要估计的样本容量是多少?可能是超过了估计的最大...
2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 突然出现的Out Of Memory这个BUG导致我们项目中断了好几天,在经过不断地摸索之后,今天终于得到了解决。鉴于其强大的破坏力与多发性(尤其是当开发图形丰富的软件 时),在此将解决方法同大家分享,希望大家以后少走弯路,而本人水平有限,如有不当,还望指教! 那么,首先让我们...
Second, the Stata GUI might appear frozen when running Gtools commands. If the system then runs out of RAM (memory), it could look like Stata has crashed (it may show a "(Not Responding)" message on Windows or it may darken on *nix systems). However, the program has not crashed; ...
S458880 XTIMPORTU: Stata module to import monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly time series and panel data as panelvar timevar valuevar from a supported file format to memory or a file byIlya Bolotov S458879 DICHOCT: Stata module to dichotomizes a variable at a specified centile and ge...
ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory. Note: The stataCommand is of type BSTR, which could contain multiple NULL characters. The method works for a BSTR containing only one string terminated with a NULL. The method will not work properly if the BSTR contains multiple NULL characters. The...
stata中summarize所计算出来的峰度skewness和偏度kurtosis有问题,与ECELL和SPSS有较大差异,建议不采用stata的结果。 summarize var1 [aweight = var2], detail (求取分组数据的统计量,var1为各组的赋值,var2为每组的频数) tabstat X1,stats(mean n q max min sd var cv) ...
29、obs: 10vars: 5 3 Mar 2005 10:15size: 240 (99.9% of memory free)storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelid str3 %9snum str3 %9scode str4 %9stotal str5 %9sincome str5 %9s.sum /因为所有变量为字符型,所以不能进行数值计算.gen nincom=incom+10 /因字符不...
perform data checks and produce informative output//dataex module to generate a properly formatted data example for Statalist//dataframe module to store/restore multiple Stata datasets to/from memory//datanet module to facilitate dataset organization for network analysis purposes//dataout module to ...
This archive receives monthly update at the end of each month, based onthe latest updates on SSC server. If your package is not included in this archive, please add comments to your programs (i.e. describe the procedure, the more you explain the more generous you are) and submit the fil...
ds2 v6 module to describe variables in memory tssc install ds2 ds3 module to describe variables in memory tssc install ds3 ds5 module to describe variables in memory tssc install ds5 dsconcat module to concatenate a list of Stata data files into memory tssc install dsconcat dsearch...