⭐Stata便捷操作 ❗所有注释都要与命令中间存在空格,否则容易出现option / not allowed r(198); ↑这样的问题 1、数据清洗 ⭐打开文件夹,导入数据 cd D:\研究生\研一\A //这里填文件夹具体名称 import excel "D:\研究生\研一\A\b.xlsx",sheet("sheet1")firstrow clear //这里填文件具体名称 //...
1.4 continue The continue command within a foreach, forvalues, or while loop breaks execution of the current loop iteration and skips the remaining commands within the loop. Execution resumes at the top of the loop unless the break option is specified, in which case execution resumes with the ...
也可以通过选择项 nthresholds(#) 来指定多个门槛值,比如 nthresholds(2) 表示有 2 个门槛值,not allowed with optthresh()。 optthresh(#[, ictype]), select optimal number of thresholds less than or equal to #; not allowed with nthresholds(),计算最优的门槛个数,一般有Bayesian information criteri...
TitleStata 6: Using while loops when the by command is not an option AuthorJeremy B. Wernow, StataCorp There are several commands in Stata that will not allow thebycommand as an option. Two examples are thetab1command and thegraphcommands with thesaving()option. One way to get around th...
必选项 threshvar(varname) 表示变量varname为门槛变量,选项nthresholds(#)指的是number of thresholds,这个命令默认只有一个门槛值(default is nthresholds(1))。也可以通过选择项 nthresholds(#) 来指定多个门槛值,比如 nthresholds(2) 表示有 2 个门槛值,not allowed with optthresh()。
<hr/>每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底如何了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force <hr/>定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是如何回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...
Stata fits survival models. In survival models relevant here, survival time is modeled using a parametric distribution, and right-censoring is allowed. Stata fits panel-data models. In panel-data models relevant here, the data occur in groups of observations that share something in common that is...
outreg2 [f1 f1_jh f1_c] using 三个结果.doc,stats(coef,tstat) addstat(Ajusted R2,`e(r2_a)',F test,e(p)) replace 通过对比,我们可以发现:通过中心化确实可以降低交互项与自变量和调节变量之间的相关,Z变量在中心化后变得显著,而且这种方法也不会对我们模型估计产生影响,交互项的系数在中心化前后并...
count is a Stata command, not a function. In Stata, "function" is not another term for "command"; rather, commands and functions are separate. In your example, schenr is evidently 1 when high school and 0 when not. It follows that the percent you want is just the ...
Saving the output is done viamatainstead ofr(). No matrices are saved inr()and optionsaveis not allowed. However, optionmatasavesaves the output andby()info inGstatsOutput(the object can be named viamatasave(name)). Seemata GstatsOutput.desc()aftergstats tab, matasavefor details. ...