共4条回复, 点击查看 青春擦擦 已三连,求一份do文件 2022-01-02 22:434回复 快跑的小猪 up主很勤劳 2022-01-01 17:124回复 半块土豆切丝2022年继续加油! 2022-01-02 21:392回复 68336010982_bili 安慰剂检验最后一步有问题,出现option balsize() not allowed?怎么解决呀 2023-06-29 18:415回复半...
order weight, before(price) 每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底怎么了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force 定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是怎么回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...
<hr/>每当我输入 xtset code year 就会出现 varlist: code: string variable not allowed 到底如何了 下面是我的数据varlist: code: string variable not allowed destring XXX, replace force <hr/>定义面板数据时,出现repeated time values within panel 是如何回事,如何解决?谢谢大家。 tsset tf...
Multiple groups are allowed. Saving the output is done viamatainstead ofr(). No matrices are saved inr()and optionsaveis not allowed. However, optionmatasavesaves the output andby()info inGstatsOutput(the object can be named viamatasave(name)). Seemata GstatsOutput.desc()aftergstats tab,...
Furthermore, is not an estimation command, so and the other postestimation commands are not available. Technical note The values in the variable supplied to the option are normalized so that (1) is true; see Methods and formulas. Thus the variable can contain either population sizes or ...
graph query, schemes; set scheme s1mono, perm 2. [twoway] scatter varlist [if] [in] [weight] [, options] 3. 修改散点的形状、颜色、大小:twoway scatter mpg weight, msymbol(O/D/S/+/X/Oh//hollow/;大小写) mcolor(black/white/lime等) msize(vtiny/tiny/vsmall/small/medium/large/hug...
Continuing with the above example, you should see your device name and mount point in the output: $ mount omitted output /dev/hdc on /media/Stata type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=220) If you see the term noexec appear, you are not allowed to run applications from a DVD or ...
Chicago16_Cerulli.pdf Giovanni Cerulli CNR - IRCrES rdlocrand: A Stata package for inference in regression discontinuity designs under local randomization Additional information Chicago16_Vazquez-Bare.pdf Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare Department of Economics, University of Michigan ...
option rho not allowed ~有跑出表來 也有dw值 請問一下這是正常的嗎??? 後來我留一家公司做為測試.結果就沒這樣的問題.. 所以想請教您的是 1.stata跑時間序列資料時,是不是不能太多樣本公司 2.如果要跑很多樣本公司 那麼該怎麼處理 ><"不好意思.由於在趕一篇要投稿的論文 ...
fode- viation is not allowed when there are gaps in the data or when lgmmiv() is specified. SE/Robust vce(vcetype) specifies the type of standard error reported, which ludes types that are derived from asymptotic theory and that are robust to some kinds of misspecification; see Methods...