SAR与SEM模型估计用到的命令均为spatreg,spatreg语法格式为:spatreg varlist , weights(weights_matrix) eigenval(eigen_matrix) model(lag|error) [ nolog robust level(#) ] 其中,weights(weights_matrix) is always required. It specifies the name of the spatial weights matrix to be used in the estimatio...
这次Stata并未对age变量报错,但提示 'option generate() required'。带参数的选项需要指定参数类型(integer,real,string,name)和默认(不强制)值。generate需要一个name,没有默认值。尝试pnupt age, gen(2)。Stata会抱怨说2不是一个变量名。 正常情况下,选项的内容将存储在与选项同名的暂元中。 检查参数 现在我们...
哪位大佬回答一下sgmediation出现option iv() required 1042939305 1-5 6 有偿求期末统计学作业代做1.5之前交 贴吧用户_... 要求如下 天人合一1... 1-4 6 求助do文件 和你相约... 有代做吗,完全不懂,需要交个作业,大概是这样 和你相约... 1-4 6 求助,被解释变量和时间虚拟变量共线。
My main argument is that user-written Stata packages are thesource of learningadvanced Stata programming. In general, any program - whether it is written by Stata staff or a Stata user - intends to solve a problem or facilitate a task. While other users can get benefit from using the progr...
by Diallo Ibrahima Amadou S456958 CHINA_MAP: Stata module to provide map of China’s provinces by Scott Merryman S456957 USESPSS: Stata module to import SPSS (*.sav) data (Windows only) by Sergiy Radyakin S456956 PAVERAGE: Stata module to calculate p-period-average series in a panel dat...
Calculate efficacy and futility stopping bounds for clinical trials. Find required sample sizes for interim and final analyses when testing proportions, means, or survivor functions. Multilevel meta-analysis Do your studies have effect sizes nested within multiple grouping levels? Use multilevel meta-an...
Title Stata 6: Using while loops when the by command is not an option Author Jeremy B. Wernow, StataCorp There are several commands in Stata that will not allow the by command as an option. Two examples are the tab1 command and the graph commands with the saving() option. One way...
Stata stores data in memory.The compress command reduces the amount of memory required to store the data without loss of precision or any other disadvantages;see[D]compress.Typing compress every so often is a good idea.compress works by examining the values you have stored and changing the data...
4.moremata library is required since this command use mm quantile func- tion. 5. When there are endogeneous independent variables, endogenous option should be set. For example, if x1 is exogeneous and x2 is endogeneous, the input must be y q x1, endo(x2). ...
Programming an estimation command in Stata: Using a subroutine to parse a complex option Programming an estimation command in Stata: Allowing for options parsing Programming an estimation command in Stata: Mata 101 I introduce Mata, the matrix programming language that is part of Stata. ...