即使用using data中的非缺失值替换master data中的所有同名变量的值; noreport:不汇报匹配结果; ...
1. merge 命令:横向合并 在合并数据时,最常用的命令就是 merge,该命令会根据两个数据集中「至少一...
Added: id= identifier from 2014北京公司境外投资名录.dta matchscore = matching score Observations: Master N = 5978 2014北京公司境外投资名录.dta N= 1304 Unique Master Cases: matched = 5693 (exact = 102), unmatched = 285 随机抽取几行看看 list 企业名称 U企业名称 in 4997/5000 得到: +---+ ...
matched 51 (_merge==3) --- . drop _merge *仔细检查合并的结果,确认无误后可删掉 _merge *- _merge 变量的含义: * _merge==1obs. from master data * _merge==2 obs. from only one using dataset * _merge==3 obs. from at least twodatasets, master or using 第五步:数据合并 将.dbf (...
not matched 30 from master 12 (_merge==1) from using 18 (_merge==2) matched 5,077 (_merge==3) --- . g len=length( _Stkcd)对股票代码取长度看看有没有长度为0的就是空的 . su len看看len的情况,summarize发现有长度为0的 Variable ...
The resulting dataset is clearly independent of the order of observations of the master and using data. This form of matched merging is not possible with the merge command. However, it is available in Stata, namely via the command joinby. joinby can also be used to perform 1:1, 1:n, ...
not matched 15,540 from master 15,540 (_merge==1) from using 0 (_merge==2) matched 21,749 (_merge==3) ---. keep if _merge==3 //保留匹配后所需数据(15,540 observations deleted). drop _merge //需删除,若后续再次匹配则还会生成该变量. save $working_data\chfs_hh_master_2015_hh...
Example 1. There are too many observations in the merged dataset The master dataset has 5 observations, and the using dataset has 8 observations. When you do the merge, every observation has a_mergecode of 2 or 3 (every observation in the master dataset was matched), yet the merged datase...
The default in Pandas performs an inner merge which means "use intersection of keys from both frames, similar to a SQL inner join; preserve the order of the left keys." cite. Again more simply, the result will only include records that matched in both datasets. For Stata users looking to...
By default, statastates will generate a new variable,_merge, to mark merge results. If you do not want to create this variable (and simply keep matched observations and unmatched master observations), specify the optionnogenerate. statastates, name(state) nogenerate ...