zip y x1 x2x3, inflate(varlist) vuong(零膨胀泊松回归) zinb y x1 x2 x3, inflate(varlist) vuong(零膨胀负二项回归) *27、嵌套logit模型 *生成水平识别变量 nlogitgen newvar=alvar(branchlist)[,nolog] *树状结构 nlogittree altervarlist[if][in][weight][,choice(y) nloabel nobranches] 1、命...
Non-integer values are not allowed in factor variables for Stata ANOVA Solution: The documented limits can be found inhelp fvvarlist. The factor-variable operators can only be applied to categorical variables that have nonnegative integers ranging from 0 to 32,740, inclusive. Consider mapping you...
We then obtainunexpectedreturn on assets, marketing intensity, and R&D intensity by subtracting the expected values from the actual values. Then, we define MYO, which represents myopic management, as an indicator variable thatequals one if a firm has unexpected positive ROA and unexpected negative M...
import delimited "文件名.csv", rowrange(2:11) colrange(1:8) varnames(2) clear 从网络下载数据集 webuse hbp2, clear 基本语法 Stata每个函数的语法千差万别,但是基本格式是类似的。简单了解即可。所有的[...]都是可选的。 [by varlist1:] command [varlist2] [=exp] [if exp] [in range] [...
(varlist) options]gstats sum price [pw=gear_ratio/4] gstats tab price mpg, by(foreign) matasave* gquantiles [newvarname =] exp [if] [in] [weight], {_pctile|xtile|pctile} [options]gquantiles 2*price, _pctile nq(10) gquantiles p10=2*price, pctile nq(10) gquantiles x10=2*...
(1)STATA中的missing values有以下几种: 1. .指示缺失值的特殊符号 2. blank无输入的空格 3. negative infinity负无穷 4. positive infinity正无穷 5. system missing系统特殊缺失值 (2)STATA中缺失值的处理命令 1. tabulate命令 tabulate用来检验观测值是否有缺失值。例如,tabulate var1 var2, missing可以用来检...
By default, the data in varlist are represented on horizontal dotted lines with base at zero that extend to the maximum for each observation. If negative values are present, dotted lines also extend to the minimum. Point symbols are used to show actual values. This is version 1.4.4 of ...
Resources: The Statalist FAQ (Updated 03 June 2010) Resources: When was Stata first released? When were later versions released? (Updated 03 June 2010) Statistics: Why do I see different p-values, etc., when I change the base level for a factor in my regression? Why does the p-val...
1、表2-1: 回归分析相关命令一览命令用途anova 方差和协方差分析heckman Heckman 筛选模型intreg 离散型变量模型,包括Tobit 、 cnreg 和 intregivreg 工具变量法( IV 或 2SLS)newey Newey-West 标准差设定下的回归prais 针对序列相关的 Prais-Winsten, Cochrane-Orcutt, or Hildreth-Lu 回归 qreg 分量回归reg ...