matrix [1,1]notfound r(111); Stata中第三方矩阵相关的命令 matmapGiven matrix A and a user-supplied expression, matmap calculates matrix B with typical element matewmfGiven matrix A and a user-supplied monadic function f with Stata syntax f( ), matewmf calculates and displays matrix B with...
1. Mata can be used by users who want to think in matrix terms and perform (not necessarily simple) matrix calculations interactively, and 2. Mata can be used by advanced Stata programmers who want to add features to Stata. Mata has something for everybody. Primary features of Mata are th...
2: string return 0: not found Return: S_OK: all is well. ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory. Note: The maximum length of the returnName is 32. The method cannot be used to identify a saved matrix return; for example, StReturnType("e(V)") returns 0 after regress.Method...
matrix b = e(b) // 提取回归系数 display "The coefficient for x1 is " b[1,1] 五、Stata 中的各类函数 Stata 提供了丰富的函数库,用于数据操作、统计计算和字符串处理。 5.1 数学函数 对数函数: log(x) 指数函数: exp(x) 平方根: sqrt(x) ...
stata显示javainstallation not found stata安装organization,1.1工具变量法OLS有一个经典的假设:解释变量与随机误差项不相关,即 。如果存在解释变量违背了这个假设,则估计出的参数是有偏的,也是不一致的。工具变量(IV)法为解决「内生解释变量」问题提供了一种可
Mata has the structures, pointers, and classes that you expect in your programming language and adds direct support for matrix programming. Though you don't need to program to use Stata, it is comforting to know that a fast and complete programming language is an integral part of Stata. Ma...
在如上的操作之后,我们可以通过ereturn scalar、ereturn local或ereturn matrix命令来将其他我们想要保存的结果保存到e()中。此外,我们也可以将用户输入的命令保存到e(cmdline)中,即在程序中包括如下的命令:ereturn local cmdline 0这里,局部宏0就包含了用户输入的完整命令。这句命令不是必须的,但被认为是一种很好的...
8.1 生成矩阵 8.1.1 输入新矩阵 可以直接录入一个新的矩阵 matrix A= (1,0,1\2,1,0\-3,2,-5) //录入矩阵 A matrix list A //显示录入的矩阵 A matlist A //显示录入的矩阵 A,该命令只能在 stata9 以上版本使用 matrx B=(1+1,2*3/4 \ 5/2, 3^2) matrix list B matrix C=(2,3,4...
(larger than data file size) set matsize 800 //sets matrix size to 800 sysdir set PERSONAL c:\stata\ado\personal“ // sets directory system PERSONAL as c:\stata\ado\personal sysdir set STBPLUS c:\stata\ado\stbplus“ // sets directory system STBPLUS as c:\stata\ado\stbplus cd c:\...