In contrast, neithergeneratenoregen, filter()does, or allows, anything special to avoid missing results. If any of the values needed for calculation is missing, then that result is missing. It is up to users to decide whether and what corrective surgery is required for such observations, pres...
No matter. Stata is the only statistical package with integrated versioning. If you wrote a script to perform an analysis in 1985, that same script will still run and still produce the same results today. Any dataset you created in 1985, you can read today. And the same will be true in...
dum(#) [ type(#) noconstant vce(vcetype)]type(1,2, 3) Functional Form Dummy Variables Type1)Y = X + D0(2)Y = X + DX(3)Y = X + D0 + DXwhere:D0=Dummy variable (0,1), takes (0) in first period, and (1) in second period.DX=Cross product of each Xi times in D0dum...
清洗数据 *importdelimcomplaints,clearlabone,n(1)nrow1dropv19-v207gyear=substr(v1,1,4)destringy,forcereplacedropifmi(y)dropify>2023|y<2000compresssavecomplaints_2023,replacedtay*usecomplaints_2023,clearkeepyCompanybysyC:egenn=count(y)duplicatesdropcompressrecaststr88Companysaven_complaints_2023,replaced...
Statistical Software. College Station, TX: StataCorp LLC. Michael Mitchell. (2012) .Visual Guide to Stata Graphics(Third Edition), Published by Stata Press. 原创声明:本文系作者授权腾讯云开发者社区发表,未经许可,不得转载。 如有侵权,请联系 删除。 数据可视化...
xtunitroot llc lngdp,lags(2) trend xtunitroot llc d.lngdp,lags(2) trend xtunitroot ips lngdp xtunitroot ips d.lngdp 协整检验 xtwest lngdp lnfdi lni,lags(2) 混合回归 reg lngdp lnfdi lnie reg lngdp lnfdi lnie,robust reg lngdp lnfdi lnie,vce(cluster id) ...
keep works the same way as drop,except that you specify the variables or observations to be kept rather than the variables or observations to be deleted.Warning:drop and keep are not reversible.Once you have eliminated observations,you cannot read them back in again.You would need to go back...
a variable stored as float but that records only integer values between−127and100.compress would change the storage type of that variable to byte and save3bytes per observation.If you had100variables like that,the savings would be300bytes per observation,and if you had3,000,000observations,...
(runningon estimation sample) warning:does not set, so no observations will be excluded from the resampling because of missing values or other reasons. To exclude observations, press Break, save the data, drop any observations that are to be excluded, and rerun. Bootstrap replications (1000) ...