也可以通过选择项 nthresholds(#) 来指定多个门槛值,比如 nthresholds(2) 表示有 2 个门槛值,not allowed with optthresh。 optthresh(#[, ictype]), select optimal number of thresholds less than or equal to #; not allowed with nthresholds,计算最优的门槛个数,一般有Bayesian information criterion (B...
qx(varname) is the threshold variable. Time-series operators are allowed. qx() is required. 门限变量或者门槛变量 thnum(#) is the number of thresholds. In the current version (Stata 13), # must be equal to or less than 3. The de...
The fraction of directors who obtain foreign experience in countries with a low (high) level of earnings management. We identify a country with a low level of earnings management if its Leuz-Nanda-Wysocki’s (2003) earnings management index is less than or equal to 20. 类似地,Han等(2022)...
thnum(#) is the number of thresholds. In the current version (Stata 13), # must be equal to or less than 3. The default is thnum(1). 门槛个数 grid(#) is the number of grid points. grid is used to avoid consuming too much time when computing large samples. The default is grid(...
Some kinds of data are often reported as percentile ranks. A test score may be reported as a percentile rank of 95% if 95% of scores are less than or equal to that score. A newborn baby’s weight may be reported in the same way. ...
ampersand ( & ) and not the word "and". This works: var_a >= 1 & var_b <= 10 where this does not: var_a >= 1 and var_b <= 10 These are the operators that are different in Stata: Symbol Definition& and| or >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to ...
age < = 17will be true (evaluates to 1) wheneverageis less than or equal to 17, and false (evaluates to 0) otherwise. Adding up the 1s and 0s withinegen, total()is the same as counting the observations for whichage <= 17. We then subtractage <= 17from each observation. The eff...
In the special case where you areinterested in testing whether a coefficient is greater than, lessthan, or equal to zero, you can calculate thep-valuesdirectly from the regression output. When the estimated coefficientis positive, as forweight, you can do so asfollows: ...
lessthanorequalto#,theoptimizationprocessisstopped. tolerance(1e−6)isthedefault. nologsuppressthedisplayoftheiterationlog. tracespecifiesthatthecurrentestimatesshouldbeprintedateach iteration. Thefollowingoptionisavailablewithxtregbutisnotshowninthedialogbox: ...
In the special case where you areinterested in testing whether a coefficient is greater than, lessthan, or equal to zero, you can calculate the p-valuesdirectly from the regression output. When the estimated coefficientis positive, as for weight, you can do so asfollows: H0:βweight =0 p...