(state) == "arizona" ## However, if I run this code, I receive an "invalid syntax" error: ## clear input str8 state Alabama Alabama Alabama Alaska Alaska Alaska Arizona Arizona Arizona Arkansas end discard statetofips state, generate(fips) ## These are the contents of --statetofips....
st: Why does Stata return an invalid syntax error in this ado file? From: Aaron Kirkman <ak1795mailserv@gmail.com> Prev by Date: st: Why does Stata return an invalid syntax error in this ado file? Next by Date: Re: st: Why does Stata return an invalid syntax error in this ado fi...
(3)输入命令:unicode encoding set gb18030 (4)输入命令:unicode translate "2013.dta", invalid(mark) transutf8 (5)友情提示,第(4)步中有两点需要注意,一是"2013.dta"千万不要忘了加“ ”号,二是在某些情况下加入invalid(mark)这个选项可以很好的解决意想不到的问题。使用连玉君老师编写的ua命令也需要注意...
(4)输入命令:unicode translate "2013.dta", invalid(mark) transutf8(5)友情提示,第(4)步中有两点需要注意,一是"2013.dta"千万不要忘了加“ ”号,二是在某些情况下加入invalid(mark)这个选项可以很好的解决意想不到的问题。使用连玉君老师编写的ua命令也需要注意这个...
display as error "invalid parameters" exit 198 } tempname z g gen `z' = (`varlist' - `mean')/`stdev' gen `g' = gammap(0.604, exp(-1.896 * (`z' + 0.805))) gen `generate' = `pem' * (1 - `g') end 我们可以将概率公式一行写出,但这会牺牲可读性。相反,我们先对年龄变量进行...
“don’t know”,再次显示错误 *invalid attempt to modify label 因为3已被定义,这次不是增加而是修改,所以选项为,modify*/ label define minoritylb 3 “don’t know”, modify list *3.7.6 标签显示与删除:dir 和 drop label dir //显示标签 label list //显示标签的赋值含义 list //注意到 minority ...
display as error "invalid parameters" exit 198 } tempname z g gen `z' = (`exp' - `mean')/`stdev' gen `g' = gammap(0.604, exp(-1.896 * (`z' + 0.805))) gen `typlist' `varlist' = `pem' * (1 - `g') end 1.
stata no panel variable set,use tssethow to deal with it this is the help from stata.[P] error ...Return code 198invalid syntax;___ invalid;range invalid;___ invalid obs no;invalid filename;___ invalid varnam
使用带用户密码clone的方式: git clone https://username:password@remote 当username和password中含有特殊...
This chapter gives a basic lesson on Stata’s command syntax while showing how to control the appearance of a data list.As we have seen throughout this manual,you have a choice between using menus and dialogs and using the Command window.Although many find the menus more natural and the ...