import excel "D:\Download\资产负债表160931691\FS_Combas.xlsx", sheet("sheet1") firstrow A destring *, force replace keep if mod(month,3) == 0 keep if y >= 2002 save 表1 import excel "D:\Download\盈利能力160140293\FI_T5.xlsx", sheet("sheet1") firstrow clear A destring *, force...
sheet("2-7 按行业分组的单位从业人员(三)") clear keep A B destring B, force replace drop if B == . rename A city rename B 从业 save 2009_2 import excel "D:\Download\中国城市统计年鉴2009.xls", sheet("2-35 邮电") clear keep A E destring E, force replace drop if E ...
史上最全的 Stata 外部命令一览,可以在线查看帮助文件。 Source:Archive of user-written Stata packages 导言 这里汇集了截至 2015年1月1日 为止的所有 Stata 外部命令。可以在线查看每个外部命令的帮助文件。 对于感兴趣的命令,可以使用findit在 Stata 命令窗口中搜索后下载,亦可直接使用ssc install命令直接下载。 ...
The functionality of this advanced app can be furthermore enhanced with custom programming that can adapt it to the specific needs of almost any modern research project and can even support the dissemination of user-created programs that can grow continuously.Over the long history of this program,...
Excel Sheet for Stackelberg Duopoly 52 EGENMORE: Stata modules to extend the generate function 53 XTOVERID: Stata module to calculate tests of overidentifying restrictions after xtreg, xtivreg, xtivreg2, xthtaylor 54 XTENDOTHRESDPD: Stata module to estimate a Dynamic Panel Data Threshold Effects Model...
- I have a sample Excel spreadsheet I want to copy from. - A key part of this job will be the implementation of specific formulas I already have and the data validation rules I will provide. - The task will also involve some degree of data validation (using drop-down menus and ...
S456811 SPEC_STAND: Stata module to create dataset of stratum-specific, unadjusted and standardized rates by Rosa Gini S456810 PLSSAS: Stata module to execute SAS partial least squares procedure (Windows only) by Adrian Mander S456809 ASCIIPLOT: Stata module to generate ASCII character map ...
set "" webuse "wb_indicators_long"set web-based directory and load data from the webimport excel "yourSpreadsheet.xlsx", /**/ sheet("Sheet1") cellrange(A2:H11) firstrowimport an Excel spreadsheetImport Datasysuse auto, cle.....
2. Importing Excel Files:Stata facilitates the import of Excel files, granting flexibility in data management. To import an Excel file named "data.xlsx" with sheet name "Sheet1" into Stata, we can use the `import excel` command:```import excel "data.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow ``...
S456811 SPEC_STAND: Stata module to create dataset of stratum-specific, unadjusted and standardized rates byRosa Gini S456810 PLSSAS: Stata module to execute SAS partial least squares procedure (Windows only) byAdrian Mander S456809 ASCIIPLOT: Stata module to generate ASCII character map ...