stata复制代码forestplot(labeltext = list("Study", "Effect size", "Lower", "Upper"),graphtext ...
功能方面。Stata 的绘图功能主要通过绘图语法(Syntax)及其绘图编辑器(Graph Editor)得以实现。其中,Stata 的绘图语法以 graph 命令开头,包括绘制各类图形的绘图命令(graph commands)以及图形画好后用来删除、读取或多图合并的绘图管理命令(graph management commands)。下表简要列举了两类命令。 绘图命令(graph commands) ...
(histogram) twoway kdensity y //核估计图kdensity twoway dropline y year // tw spike y year //针式图 tw dot y year //点线图 tw connected y year, sort //点连线图 tw area y year, sort //和线图类似,显示线以下的面积 tw bar y year,sort //对每个X绘出相应Y的条图,而graph bar...
rx(c1) qx(d1) thnum(1) grid(400) trim(0.01) bs(300) _matplot e(LR),columns(1 2) yline(7.35,lpattern(dash)) connect(direct) msize(small) mlabp(0) mlabs(zero) ytitle("LR Statistics") xtitle("Threshold") recast(line) name...
Finally, there are limits on the size of the dataset that you can use. Vendor Response By StataCorp on March 11, 2019 Thank you for your feedback! Verified Reviewer Graduate Assistant Higher Education, 5,001-10,000 employees Used the software for: 1-2 years Overall Rating 5.0 Ease ...
sizeChoices for sizes for objects stylelistsLists of style elements and shorthands symbolstyleChoices for the shape of markers textText in graphs textboxstyleChoices for the overall look of text including border textsizestyleChoices for the size of text ...
Stata Graph Editor 用户指南说明书 15Editing graphs The Graph Editor With Stata’s Graph Editor,you can change almost anything on your graph;you can add text,lines, arrows,and markers wherever you like.We willfirst make a graph to edit and will then point out the tools in the Graph ...
Graph colors by variable Alias variables across frames Frame sets Boost-based regular expressions Vectorized numerical integration New reporting features Do-file Editor enhancements Data Editor enhancements More AdditionalStataNow™features Machine learning via H2O: ...
2、mand, plot-options) (plot-command , plot-options), graph-options在这个命令语句中,graph-command是用来定义图的类型的命令语句,plot-command是用来定义曲线类型的命令语句,不同的曲线之间用括号隔开,曲线有自身的options选项,整个图形也有统一的options选项。3.1图形制作的基本命令与相关操作3.1.2图形制作的菜单...
title("{stSerif:The last graph}", size(medium)) //将标题设置成 Times New Roman ...(1) scheme(white_tableau) //模板设置 msymbol(th); //将图例设置成空的三角形, h 表示 hallow,没想到吧? #delimit cr //(1){stSerif: text} 表示将 “text” 转换为 times new roman,如果实在不喜欢原配...