legend(label(1 Males) label(2 Females)) title('US Male and Female Population by Age') subtitle('Year 2000') note('Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, Tables 1, 2 and 3', span) 更多高级绘图及计量经济学和stata应用,尽在2017年8月4-7日stata课程。关于图形这部分章节内容,中心将从图...
(35,34)处加文本 legend(title( 图例) label(1 国产车) label(2 进口车)) scheme( s1rcolor ) scatter y year//点 line y year //线 tw area y year //面 美化: msymbol( ) 1.种类:O圆圈 D菱形 S正方形 T三角形 +号 X号 p小点 2.变小,变小写:o d s t x 3.可变空心,加h:Oh oh ...
(rarea lb ub incratio,sort color(bluishgray)) /// (line h_1 incratio,sort xtitle("Income gap") /// ytitle("Marginal effect of RETI") title("") /// legend(label(1 "95% Confidence Intervals") /// label(2 "Estimated Marginal Effects")) /// scheme(s2color) /// graphregion(f...
7.3 均衡性检验 pstest $v2, both graph 结果为: 7.4 共同取值范围 psgraph 结果为: 7.5 核密度函数图 twoway(kdensity _psif_treat==1,legend(label(1"Treat")))(kdensity _psif_treat==0, legend(label(2"Control"))),xtitle(Pscore> ) title("Before Matching") . twoway(kdensity _psif_tre...
legend( label(1 "July") label(2 "January") ) /// ytitle("温度(Fahrenheit)") /// title("Average July and January temperatures") /// subtitle("by regions of the United States") /// note("Source: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Commerce") /// graphregion(fcolor(white)) ...
graph bar tempjuly tempjan,over(division)over(region)nofill//两个分组变量bargap(-30)ytitle("Degrees Fahrenheit")legend(label(1"July")label(2"January"))title("Average July and January temperatures")subtitle("by region and division of the United States")note("Source: U.S. Census Bureau, ...
legend(off) name(g11_`i', replace) } * scatter length weight, xsc(log) ysc(log) xla(1500 2000 3000 5000) yla(150 200 250 300) /// ms(O) mc(blue) yla(, ang(h)) name(g11_6, replace) subtitle("all", place(w)) graph combi...
graph pie jishu, over(反馈类别) /// plabel(_all percent,format("%4.2f")) /// title("用户反馈分类情况, by 反馈类别") /// legend(col(1) position(9)) /// note("source:TAPD,见附件。total:858条") 效果如下: Code: cd "C:\Users\y\Desktop\20190817周报" //修改原有路径 ...
在Stata中,图例默认按照变量的标签(label)添加,堆积在图像的底部。我们怎么能把图例做得更美观呢?比如,加上中文?改变位置?改变排列顺序?我们可以添加legend()选项进行改变。 在下图中,我们添加了legend(ring(0) pos(5) label(1 "白人男性") label(2 "白人...
pstest $v2, both graph 结果为: 7.4 共同取值范围 psgraph 结果为: 7.5 核密度函数图 twoway(kdensity _psif_treat==1,legend(label(1"Treat")))(kdensity _psif_treat==0, legend(label(2"Control"))),xtitle(Pscore> ) title("Before Matching") ...