local barlist "`barlist' (scatteri `=rank_corr[`i']' 0 `=rank_corr[`i']' `=corr[`i']' , recast(line) lcolor("`=colorname[`i']'") lwidth(*6))" } * Saving labels for Y-Axis in a local levelsof rank_corr, local(yl) foreach l of local yl { local ylab "`ylab' `...
keep:保留所需要的系数 coeflabels:重置标签名,变为对应的年份 vertical:将系数值放在y轴上 yline(0, lp(dash)):在y=0处绘制长虚线 xline(3, lp(dash)):在x=3处绘制长虚线,这里指的是2002这个位置 ytitle、xtitle:设置坐标轴标签 addplot(line @b @at):增加点之间的连线,也就是绿色那个线 ciopts(...
S456969 LOGITCPRPLOT: Stata module to graph component-plus-residual plot for logistic regression byBen Jann S456968 NLCHECK: Stata module to check linearity assumption after model estimation byBen Jann S456967 LABGEN: Stata module to generate or replace variables with definitions in variable labels ...
S458924 MYAXIS: Stata module to reorder categorical variable by specified sort criterion by Nicholas J. Cox S458923 XFRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append data frames to the end of the current data frame by Roger Newson S458922 CIRCULARKDE: Stata module to perform kernel density estimation for c...
(small)) /// yline(0,lcolor(edkblue*0.6) lwidth(*1.0)) /// xlabel(,labsize(*0.6) labcolor(purple) /// tposition(crossing) tlcolor(gs10)) /// ylabel(,nogrid tposition(crossing) tlcolor(gs10)) /// graphregion(color(gs16)) /// plotr(lcolor(edkblue) lpattern(1) lwidth(*...
graph bar可以绘制垂直或水平的条形/柱形图。 在垂直的条形图中,y 轴是数值型的变量,x 轴是分类变量,水平的条形图则反之。 代码语言:javascript 复制 *** 条形图绘图语法示例 *** graph bar (mean) numeric_var, over(cat_var) //(mean) 是 numeric_var 的统计量,如果去掉,则percent是默认的统计量 grap...
What Now look back at our graph. It has two ylabel( 0(5)20, axis(2) gmin angle(horizontal) ) did was cause the right axis—axis(2)—to have labels at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20—0(5)20. gmin forced the grid line at 0 because, by default, graph does not like to draw ...
6、,x) dataas bars.Example:contract x, freq( xfreq)twoway bar xfreq x7、单变量描述统计一一分类型离散分布条形图graph bar yvars, over( categories )draws verticalbar charts. In a vertical bar chart, the y axis is numerical, and the x axis is categorical.Example:gen frequency=1graph bar...
coefplot r2000 r2001 r2002 r2003 r2004 r2005 r2006 , vertical keep(var) This produced the following graph: However, I want to change the label inx-axisto2000,2001, ...,2006. As you can see, I am using thecommunity-contributedcommandcoefplotbut these coefficients are from separate regressi...
Y轴属性设定 Xaxis:X轴属性设定 Titles:图标标题属性设定图标标属性设定 Legend:图例属性设定 Overall;图形总体属性设定 By:定义亚组 By:定义亚组4Create:定义图形类型 Basicplots:基本点图 Scatter:散点图 Bar:条形图 Bar:条形图,…… Rangeplots:范围图 Rangespike:钉形范围图 Rangespikev/cap:帽形范围图,…...