*/clear all//清除所有的东西,数据源pwd//获取当前的工作路径,Get the current working directorylogusing"test_note",replace//创建日志文件sysuseauto,clear//导入数据包//查看price的概要sum price//查看mpg的概要codebook mpg ci mean rep78//查看置信区间corr weight length//查看变量之间的相关性pwcorr price ...
【先设置你的working directory】unicode analyze psu.dta (Directory ./bak.stunicode created; please ...
Set a working directory/Keeping track of things(Do-files and log-files ) 命令以及帮助the command & Getting Help(包括help的使用以及ssc install 、findit等外部命令获取和使用) Class 2. DATABASE MANIPULATION数据管理 导入导出 Import and Export 面板数据、时间数据、官方数据Time series data &Panel data ...
spmat getmatrix Wqueen mataWqueen spmat getmatrix WqueenS mataWqueenS * Display Mata matrices mata mataWqueen mataWqueenS end *** Export W matrix (created with spmat) to stata file (that is, .dta) * Export weight matrix to .txt file (with no id column) ...
First steps: Working directory Check your working directory, this where Stata saves everything you do. To verify your working directory, type pwd It is very important to change the working directory to where your datafile are. To do this type: cd c:\mydata Use quotes if the new directo...
5. Double-clicking on the icon for a do-file named Stata.do will launch Stata if it is not already running and set the current working directory to the location of the do-file. 6. You can run the do-file in batch mode. See [GSM] B.3 Stata batch mode for details, but th...
Data Analysis Using Stata does not merely discuss Stata commands but demon-strates all the steps of data analysis on practical examples.The examples are related to public issues,such as income differences between men and women,and elections,or to personal issues,such as rent and living ...
Set a working directory/Keeping track of things(Do-files and log-files ) 命令以及帮助the command & Getting Help(包括help的使用以及ssc install 、findit等外部命令获取和使用) Class 2. DATABASE MANIPULATION数据管理 导入导出 Import and Export 面板数据、时间数据、官方数据Time series data &Panel data...
这个文档的全称叫Get started with stata,是stata的官方入门指南,很薄的英文小册子,一共就100多面。