forvalues i = 1/$N{ qui reg `y' `x' if (sic123==`i') & ID==0 qui predict e if sic123==`i', res qui replace D`y' = e if sic123==`i' drop e } 想用wntestq命令检验白噪声,已经生成了残差,唯一还不明白的是变量里的lag该如何确定? 在help文件中,该命令的语法是: wntestq v...
forvalues i = 1/$N{ qui reg `y' `x' if (sic123==`i') & ID==0 qui predict e if sic123==`i', res qui replace D`y' = e if sic123==`i' drop e } <hr/>想用wntestq命令检验白噪声,已经生成了残差,唯一...
用于接收用户输入的数字 local a = 1 forvalues i = 1/`k'{ local a = `a'*`i' ...
logistic jiuye sex i.Year $control if education==2&(discipline_g2==3|discipline_g2==4),or robust logit jiuye sex i.Year $control if education==2&(discipline_g2==3|discipline_g2==4),or robust *基于似无相关模型SUR的检验 forvalues i=2005(4)2013 { logistic luoshi sex $control if ed...
Because the Stata window may be hidden or minimized, the end user will not be able to type commands into the Stata Command window. Note: program define, while, forvalues, foreach, and input can still be used inside do- or ado-files. ...
14.4.1 forvalues语句 382 14.4.2 foreach语句 384 14.5 矩阵简介 386 14.6 使用Stata命令的结果 387 14.6.1 r类命令 387 14.6.2 e类命令 391 14.7 Stata操作习题 395 规格参数 品牌京东图书 品牌属地中国 ISBN9787121284229 编者马慧慧 出版社电子工业出版社 ...
forvalues i = 1(1)`r(tdirs)'{ qui cd `"`dir`i''"' local filename: dir . files "`file'",respectcase if `"`filename'"' != ""{ foreach fn of local filename{ qui unicode encoding set "`set'" qui unicode `transchoice' `"`fn'"',`option' ...
forvalues i = 1/`=_N' { replace x = y + z in `i' } because this would be very slow by comparison. Similarly, you should always try first to find a vectorized solution for whatever you are calculating. Still, loops over the observations are sometimes unavoidable and often occur in ...
tempname bylabel egen `by'=group(`byvarname'), lname(`bylabel') } local bylabel `:value label `by'' /*catch value labels for numeric by-vars too*/ tempname byvalmatrix qui tab `by' if `touse', nofreq matrow(`byvalmatrix') local bynum = r(r) forvalues i=1/`by...
forvalues i=1(1)7{replaceQ15AS`i'=. if Q15AS`i'==0}*循环(变量) foreach x of varlist option_urban-option_wage_benefit{label values `x' selectionvalues}*频率 table A B tab A tab1 A B tab self_disP3Q16,row chi2*变量虚拟 ...