(co2)" xtgcause co2 gf `o' replace adds(W-bar,`r(wbar)',Z-bar Stat, `r(zbar)', p-value, `r(zbart_pv)') ctitle(gf) foreach v of var gdp im ex eps gi{ xtgcause co2 `v' `o' append adds(W-bar,`r(wbar)',Z-bar Stat, `r(zbar)', p-value, `r(zbart_pv)') c...
foreach v of var CO2 ECI POP PGDP URB EC TEC{ g Ln`v' = ln(`v') } su Ln* save 复刻五, replace 得到: Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max ---+--- LnCO2 | 540 6.675738 .8440145 2.995732 8.343316 LnECI | 540 .9705951 2.053891 -8.919287 4.375742 LnPOP | 540 8.180702 .77...
如下: generate trackr = 0 display "generated trackr" foreach var of varlist a1 a2 a3{ display "`var'" id[_n] replace trackr = 1 if (`var'=="ABC") } 在Stata中,当trackr发生变化时,我想找出并打印出来。
foreachoffers a way of repeating one or more Stata commands; see also[P]foreach. One common pattern is to cycle through all values of a classifying variable. Thus, with the auto data, we could cycle through all the values offoreignorrep78. ...
1 Stata: foreach creates too many variables - 1 expressions in forvalues in Stata 1 Stata foreach loop 1 Why is my forvalues loop in stata not working? 0 nested for loops in stata 0 How to run multivariate foreach loop 1 Loop for particular values of variable in Stata 0 How...
Stata在图表构建方面的最大优点是(除了图表质量),可以自由操控图表元素甚至通过自定义完成图表的叠加 ...
foreach vname in y1 y2 y3 { (确定y变量组vname) reg `vname' x1 x2 x3 (将y变量组中的各个变量与诸x变量进行回归分析,注意vname的标点符号) } 上式等价于: mvreg y1 y2 y3 = x1 x2 x3 reg3命令: (1)简单用法: reg3 (y1 = x1 x2 x3) (y2 = x1 x3 x4) (y3 = x1 x2 x5) ...
第三步,将下列代码粘贴到do文件中。记得花括号一定不在同一行!!——foreach v of varlist _all ...
foreach category of local foreign { local scatter `scatter' scatter price mpg if foreign == `category', /// mcolor(%60) mlwidth(0) || } twoway `scatter' (lowess price mpg), /// title("{bf}Scatterplot", pos(11) size(2.75)) /// ...
**第四个程序 capture program drop myprog program myprog version 15 syntax varlist [if] [in] [, adjust(real 1) title(string)] marksample touse display if "title'"!= "" { display "title':" } foreach var of local varlist { doavartouse'var' `adjust' } end webuse auto.dta, clear...