autofill: stata module to fill missing values with existing values, Xia P.S. autofmt: stata module to automatically format a significant number of digits, Roy Wada autolog: stata module to generate dialog to create log files, Ian Watson autorename: stata module to automatically rename variables,...
bysort group: egen total_x = sum(x)bysort group: egen n_x = count(x)gen x_other = (tota...
byBang Zheng & Canqing Yu S458881 XTMIPOLATEU: Stata module to replace missing values in a time series, two- or multidimensional varlist with interpolated (extrapolated) ones byIlya Bolotov S458880 XTIMPORTU: Stata module to import monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly time series and pa...
S458920 INLIST2: Stata module to create an inlist() dummy, without the inlist() limitations by Matteo Pinna S458919 SONGBL: Stata module to search and share Stata resources and blogs by Song Bolin S458918 MIMPT: Stata module to impute missing values and persist in case of non-convergence...
would be correct syntax, not the previous command, because the empty string""is string missing. 3. Copying previous values downwards: the cascade effect Missing values may occur in blocks of two or more. Suppose you want to replace missings by the previous nonmissing value, whenever it occurr...
“,” 后为优化绘图效果的各类选项 *** **group_options over(varname [, over subopts]): specifies a categorical variable over which the yvars are to be repeated; nofill: specifies that missing subcategories be omitted; allcategories: specifies that all categories in the entire dataset be ...
Account for missing data in your sample using multiple imputation. Choose from univariate and multivariate methods to impute missing values in continuous, censored, truncated, binary, ordinal, categorical, and count variables. Then, in a single step, estimate parameters using the imputed datasets, and...
How can I generate automated filenames in Stata? How can I merge multiple files in Stata? How can I combine a large number of files? Missing values Can I quickly see how many missing values a variable has? How can I see the number of missing values and patterns of missing values in ...
cgroup module to group contiguous observations with identical values of a varlist tssc install cgroup chaid module to conduct chi-square automated interaction detection tssc install chaid chaidforest module to conduct random forest ensemble classification based on chi-square automated interaction detec...
fill() 函数 egen r2 = fill(2 4) /*间隔 2 的递增数列*/ egen r3 = fill(6 3) /*间隔 -3 的递减数列*/ egen r4 = fill(1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992) /*分块重复数列*/ list r2-r4 in 1/20 * 2.4 产生组内均值 行业内的均值,用egen命令 sysuse nlsw88.dta, clear egen avg_w_r ...