方法一:使用管理员权限打开stata,无效则尝试方法二。方法二:在stata中输入:mkdir C:/results cd C:...
I have opened Stata as an administrator and run the do-file I have moved the input files around to different areas where administrator access is not necessary. I have temporarily disabled my antivirus software while running the do-file Solution 2 As a simple solution, make a directory in C ...
). I am building up a data set using a collapse statement and repeatedly saving to the same file. The problem is that when I run the d0-file as a whole I get a "could not be opened r(603)" statement - this happens semi randomly through the sequence of file saves (example code ...
stata文件 sm > cl could not be opened Stata文件SM > CL无法打开 stata文件 sm > cl could not be opened Stata文件SM > CL无法打开
st: re: STATA error r(603) File could not be opened From"Mendis, Agampodi S.J." <asjm2@leicester.ac.uk> To"statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu" <statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu> Subjectst: re: STATA error r(603) File could not be opened DateThu, 10 Jan 2013 16:30:36 +0000...
昨天安装stata18后遇到了一个难题,就是无法安装外部命令。当我输入“ssc install+命令”时,系统总是显示r(603)报错,并提示“file C:\ST_1e88_000001.tmp could not be opened r(603)”。尽管我没有拍照记录这个错误信息,但我在网上搜索过,确认了这个问题确实存在。这个错误信息是在使用“help...
求大神指导stata出现file test.rtf could not be opened怎么办 只看楼主 收藏 回复 beijinglvke 托儿所 1 输入的命令是这个esttab using test.rtf cherish1341 初二年级 11 应该是esttab xxx using test.rtf吧……xxx是你保存的模型,你漏了??登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 ...
file 描述性统计.txt could not be opened是为什么呢,求答 2024-03-01 17:275回复 Mr_Hazard一样的问题 2024-03-04 16:20回复 小宇锅锅敲帅咋处理的呀? 2024-03-23 18:48回复 20岁还没唱过卡拉OK是因为刚才你生成的文件打开了,你只要把前一个生成的文件关闭 重新生成就好了 2024-03-25 23:46回复...
在stata 14中保存log file,在command window中输入log using yikahui 之后出现: file /yikahui.smcl could not be opened r(603); 全部评论(1) Brian 您好,感谢您对Stata小课堂的支持! 对于r(603)的错误代码,Stata官方给出的原因如下: r(603) Check the permissions of the Stata installation directory to...