esttab m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6, /// b(%6.3f) se(%6.2f) /// //系数、标准误 star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// //显著水平的标注 scalar(r2 r2_a N F) compress nogap ***2.2 中介效应:a*b显著即可*** //约定,y:因变量 m:中介/调节变量 iv:核心解释变量 cv:协变量 //1.检验系数...
est table re fe, b(%6.3f) star(0.1 0.05 0.01) outreg2 [fe re] using daqinxueshu.doc,stats(coef,tstat) addstat(Ajusted R2,`e(r2_a)') replace 5、Some useful Stata commands help : online help on a specific command findit : online references on a keyword or topic ssc : access rou...
cd "C:\Download\1-s2.0-S0140988323007569-mmc1\mmc1\data and command" use GF1025, clear xtset id year g lnei = ln(ei) g lnes = ln(es) g lngf = ln(gf) g lngdppc = ln(gdppc) g lnfdi=ln(fdi) g lnurb = ln(urb) g lnrdp=ln(rdp) g lnedup=ln(edup) g lncri = ln(...
S456833 ASHELL: Stata module to capture output from OS shell command by Nikos Askitas S456832 PARETOFIT: Stata module to fit a Type 1 Pareto distribution by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm S456831 BENFORD: Stata module to test Benford’s Law on a variable by Nikos Askitas S456...
图一:model是模型数,residual是参差数,ss拟合数,df自由度,图二:number of obs是样本数,F统计量,大好,p值大于0.05拒绝原假设。R-scuared就是R^2的意思,是拟合度,越高越好,下面那个调整后的R^2一般不看,root是单位根检验。图三:第一列是各个系数,第二列是拟合系数值,就是你的...
ssc install mycommand, replace 查案SSC上所有新包和最近更新包的摘要 ssc new 查看最新10个最流行的SSC包的摘要 ssc hot 查看=排行前25的命令 ssc hot, n(25) 酒店前20个套餐 3、案例 SSC new总结了最近可用或更新的包。在命令窗口中键入ssc new。
stata中的java runtime command stata中的cons 1. 命令介绍 table1_mc是 Phil Clayton 编写的外部命令,用于为论文制定一个特征性事实描述的表格。 * 命令安装 ssc install table1_mc, replace 1. * 命令语法 table1_mc [if] [in] [weight], vars(var_spec) [options] var_spec = varname ...
链接: 提取码:jcqustata论文视频|叶德珠_连玉君_2012_经济研究_03_P_.avi|叶德珠_连玉君_2012_经济研究_02_P_.avi|叶德珠_连玉君_2012_经济研究_01_P_.avi|卢洪友_连玉君_2011_双边SFA_02_P_.avi|卢洪友_连玉君_2011_双边SFA_01_P_.avi|...
I tried the new command with the example given here: After execution, the following error occur, afteroutreg using test.doc, nolabel replace MakeSmat(): 3499 _CColJoin() not found CalcStats(): - function returned error <istmt>: - funct...
19.2The display command 19.3The power,precision,and sample-size commands 19.1Overview An immediate command is a command that obtains data not from the data stored in memory but from numbers typed as arguments.Immediate commands,in effect,turn Stata into a glorified hand calculator.There are...