*3、数据导入和导出cd E:\stata\resultssysuse use auto.dtaexport excel auto, firstrow(variables)import excel auto.xls, firstrow cleardescribe *4、编辑查看数据editdescbrowse *5、数据类型转换destring 字符转数值destring [varlist],[generate (newvarlist)|replace] [options]tostring 数值转字符tostring [...
变量标签Variable Labels and Notes 文字变量处理之数据类型转换Converting strings to numerics and vice versa(encode 、decode、 destring、 tostring 等) 数据横向合并和纵向合并Append and merge(merge,包括一对一、一对多、多对一等合并,append、cross、joinby等,) 数据生成Generating new variables 描述分析Describing...
(AccouPeri,1,4) cap g year = OpenYear cap g year = substr(PromDate,1,4) cap g year = substr(InvestDate,1,4) cap g year = substr(EstablishDate,1,4) cap order year qui foreach v of var * { cap destring `v', replace } sca f_temp = "`f'" loc fname = usubinstr(f_...
format Set variables’output format [D]label Manipulate labels You will need to create and drop variables,and here is how:[D]generate Create or change contents of variable [D]functions Functions [D]egen Extensions to generate [D]drop Drop variables or observations [D]clear Clear memory 1 ...
挂指令Stata 十大 (类) 外挂指令 (to be added/revised) : 回归 (控制多重固定效应并允许多重聚类):(iv)reghdfe (linear regression absorbing multiple levels of fixed effects, allowingtwo- and multi-way clustering) 回归 (工具变量):(xt)ivreg2 (Extendedinstrumental variables/2SLS, GMM and AC/HAC...
destring [varlist],{gen(newvar)|replace} [option] destring income percent, replace ignore(“$”) percent tostring income,replace replace income = “$”+income log记录开关 记录运算结果 用法 ◆开启记录:log using filename,[smcl|text|replace|append] ◆暂停记录:log off ◆继续记录:log on ◆关闭...
cd "C:\Download\MFPromises Replication\input" import delim compustat, clear tostring datadate, replace g year = substr(datadate,1,4) g mon = substr(datadate,5,2) order gvkey cusip year mon destring *, replace sa compustat_08_12, replace d ta year mon 得到: Contains data from compustat...
文字变量处理之数据类型转换Converting strings to numerics and vice versa(encode 、decode、 destring、...
(新变量名) decode 原变量名,gen(新变量名) gen 变量名_str = string(变量名_num) destring/tostring varlist , {generate(newvarlist)|replace} [tostring_options] Format - Set variables output format format varlist %fmt format %fmt varlist where %fmt can be a numerical, date, or string ...
Appendix: Data management tools useful for graphing data Thedestringandencodecommands Therecodecommand Thetabulatecommand with thegenerate()option Theegencommand Thecontractandcollapsecommands Thestatsbycommand Thesnapshotcommand Thereshapecommand Macros and loops Extracting value labels to local macros...