Stata: 敘述統計(descriptive statistics)之二 上次說到:仔細看下圖,問題有兩個: 一個是問卷的觀察數(obs)不同,一個是race、sex這些必須轉換成虛擬變量(dummy variable)才有意義。後者上次已解決了,前者則是要利用if指令來處理missing values。 在Stata裡,missing value通常都是以 . 或.a、.b、.c來表示,也就...
作者:Mia Lv(吕丹), Staff Statistician原文链接:在Stata 17中,我们引入了用于创建和自…
We first examine the data by displaying the descriptive statistics for the variables of interest. putdocx textblock end dtable, by(male, tests testnotes nototal) /// sample(, statistic(frequency proportion) /// place(seplabels) ) continuous(age, statistics(mean minmax) test(kwallis)) /// ...
stataSE 15 方法/步骤 1 用sysuse打开数据文件后,点击菜单 statistics | summaries,tables,and tests |summary and descriptive statistics | correlations and covariances 2 弹出配置窗口,在变量下拉列表中选择mpg和weight,也可以直接输入,然后点击OK 3 从输出结果可以看出,mpg和weight之间的相关系数为-0.8072,...
1 点击 statistics | Summaries,tables,and tests| Summary and descriptive statistics | Summary statistics,2 在统计配置窗口中点击 左下角 R按钮, 在变量文本框中输入 “mpg”,选项选择 标准显示 3 切换到 by/if/in页签,选中“Repeat command by groups”,在变量文本框中输入 foreign或者下拉选择也可以。
summarize : descriptive statistics correlate : correlation matrices ttest : perform 1-, 2-sample and paired t-tests anova : 1-, 2-, n-way analysis of variance regress : least squares regression predict : generate fitted values, residuals, etc. test : test linear hypotheses on parameters lincom...
Descriptive Statistics Commands: Commands like summarize and tabulate provide a quick overview of dataset characteristics, aiding in the initial exploration and understanding of variables. Regression Analysis Commands: For assignments requiring predictive modeling, commands like regress or logit are indispensable...
3、的指令时,只要在该指令上点选两下即可执行相同的指令;若欲使用类似的指令时,在该指令上点一下,该指令即会出现在窗口”Stata Command”上,再进行修改即可。此外,STATA还可以将执行过的指令储存下来,存在一个do-file内,下次即可再执行相同的指令。左下Variables:此一窗口用于呈现某笔数据中的所有变量。换言之,...
asrol: stata module to generate rolling window / groups descriptive statistics, Attaullah Shah assertky: stata module to assert unique dataset keys, David Kantor astile: stata module to provide a faster and byable alternative for xtile, Attaullah Shah astx: stata module to create a table of ...
右下Stata Command:此一窗口用于输入所欲执行的指令。Note:以上四个窗口都可以从”Fonts”去更改字体大小。三、输入数据(Entering data)在本小节中,我们将介绍如何把数据读进STATA。但是在正式介绍之前,我们必须先对几个一般性的指令(general command)有所了解,说明如下:cd:即change directory,简言之,告知STATA数据...