常用命令 ** do-file general setting clear set memory 100m set matsize 800 set more off ** open a existed file use "E:\stata上机\earn.dta", clear ** draw a picture plot annearn year ** creat a new variable ge age2=age^2 ** create a log file capture log using E:\stata上机\...
38、现用的数据库做标记,""就是标记,可自行填写) label variable x ""(对变量x做标记) label values x label1(赋予变量x一组标签:label1) label define label1 1 "a1" 2 "a2"(定义标签的具体内容:当x=1时,标记为a1,当x=2时,标记为a2) 频数表: tabulate x1,sort tab1 x1-x7,sort(做x1到x7的...
5.label define/values 1.Foreach -for loops 2.tab - bivariates matter! 3.margins and marginsplot -visualizing interactions 4.Factor notation: i.[varname] -dummy coding is a breeze 5.set more off - every single file starts with it. 1.contract 1.egen (rowfirst) - to coalesce across ro...
1、Feb-22H.S.1Stata 8, ProgramingHein StigumPresentation, data and programs at: :/folk.uio.no/heins/Feb-22H.S.2Programing Programing examples Get and use results from commands Automate tasks Define functions Define new commands Two languages Stata Macro languageFor small problems MataFor large ...
1 Programing •Programingexamples –Getanduseresultsfromcommands–Automatetasks–Definefunctions–Definenewcommands •Twolanguages –StataMacrolanguage–Mata ForsmallproblemsForlargeproblem Jun-21 H.S.2 StataMacroLanguage Jun-21 H.S.3 Scalar •Scalar(numbers)scalara=2displayagenx2=a*x define...
命令2: label define 值标签名称 值标签内容,add //给扩充变量值增加值标签 命令3: label define 值标签名称 值标签内容,modify //修改原有变量值的值标签 命令4: label drop _all //删去所有变量的值标签 命令5: label drop 指定值标签名称 //删去指定变量的值标签 ...
创建新变量 在组中创建新变量 修改现有变量 时间序列/面板数据 计算行数 重塑准备(仅限此数据集) reshape long reshape wide 导入和准备辅助数据集 内部合并 完全合并 左合并 右合并 反合并 追加数据 读取和写入 .csv 单个文件 import delimited using"file.csv", clear ...
A solution to this trouble is: # Define function that finds object data types, converts to string. def obj_to_string(df): for obj_col in list(df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns): df[obj_col] = df[obj_col].astype(str) return(df) # Pass dataframe with object data types...
Define a format. These are called "value labels": label define yesno 1 "yes" /* */ 2 "no" Assign the value label to a variable: label value smokes yesno Remove formats from a variable: data newer; set newer; ** just do not specify a format **; format smokes ; run; label ...