Stata日期和时间处理指南说明书 in Stata Gabriela Ortiz Applied Econometrician StataCorp LLC 1
Convert dates and datetimes in string form to numeric form with great flexibility, including support for any order of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond Extract day, day of week, week of year, month, quarter, half-year, or year from specified date Extract hour, minut...
Datetime conversion — Converting strings to Stata dates 5 How the conversion functions interpret the mask The conversion functions apply the following rules when interpreting str: 1. For each string date to be converted, remove all punctuation except for the period separating seconds from tenths, ...
random-number functions——产生随机数的函数 string functions——字符函数 programming functions——编程函数 datetime_functions——有关时间函数,用于时间序列 time-series functions——有关时间函数,用于时间序列 matrix functions——矩阵函数 help egen // egen用于使用函数来产生新变量 1. Math functions help mat...
help datetime_display_formats 3. 不同格式的标准化的思路 clear * 设置工作目录 cd "xxxxxx" * 获取目录中的所有 .dta 文件列表 local files: dir . files "*.dta" * 遍历每个 .dta 文件 foreach file of local files { use "`file'", clear * 将数值变量转换为自 1960 年 1 月 1 日以来的毫...
[D]Datetime Date and time values and variables [D]list List values of variables [D]edit Browse or edit data with Data Editor [D]varmanage Manage variable labels,formats,and other properties [D]rename Rename variable [D]format Set variables’output format [D]label Manipulate labels [D]frames...
string 字符串 number 数值类型:整数(integer)和浮点数(float) bool 布尔类型:True/False time/datetime 日期时间 None 空值 complex 复数 2.1 字符串 字符串可用’ " ‘’’引用 字符串本身内部还含有单引号(双引号),外部使用双引号(单引号) 字符段使用三引号, ...
tm.assert_frame_equal(from_frame, chunk, check_dtype=False)exceptAssertionError:# datetime.datetime and pandas.tslib.Timestamp may hold# equivalent values but fail assert_frame_equalassert(all([x == yforx, yinzip(from_frame, chunk)])) ...
pythonfromsfi import Datafromsfi import Datetimefromsfi import Framefromsfi import Macrofromsfi import ValueLabel cca="北京"ac=cca.split('')foriiinac: Macro.setLocal('x',ii) end disp"`x'"python:fromsfi import Scalarfromsfi import Datafromsfi import Macro ...
之前装 win7 + oracle 11 R2 (64) + instantclient_11_2 (32) + PLSQL(32) 费了很大力气,见...