1)单独创建dummy variables:在用stata处理panel data时,有时候会需要创建很多dummy variable,比如年份。一个快速创建的办法是:tab Year, gen(d);其中 d是用来代表创建出来的dummy variable的。 2)在回归的时候同时创建dummy variables:xi: reg ... i.city i.Year 使用这个公式,回归的时候就state就自动帮忙创建了...
#create average wage variable wage1$tenursq <- NULL #drop `tenursq` wage1 <- wage1[ , c(“wage”, “educ”,“exper”, “nonwhite”)] # keep selected variables wage1 <-fastDummies::dummy_cols(wage1,select_columns = “numdep”) # create dummy variables for `numdep`, use {fastDu...
To create year dummy variables in Stata, you can use the `i.year` prefix. For example, the following command will create a set of year dummy variables for the years 2000 to 2010: stata. egen year2000-year2010 = i.year==2000-i.year==2010。 The `i.` prefix indicates that the variab...
// generate the control_cohort variables (used in some commands) gen never_treat = first_treat==. sum first_treat gen last_cohort = first_treat==r(max) // dummy for the latest- or never-treated cohort // generate the gvar variabls (used in some commands) gen gvar = first_treat rec...
// create`exper` squared variable egen wage_avg = mean(wage) // create average wage variable drop tenursq // drop `tenursq`variable keep wage educ exper nonwhite // keep selected variables tab numdep, gen(numdep) // create dummy variables for `numdep` ...
生成变量的路径 Data—Createorchangevariables 生成变量的窗口 Data—Createorchangevariables—Createnewvariable 基本命令 Stata有四个基本的生成和修改变量的命令:gen、egen、replace和recode•.gen和egen分别是generate和extendedgenerate的缩写,它们用于生成新变量•.replace和recode用来改变现存变量的属性或数值•....
todummy creates dummy variables for each variable specified in varlist. The (default) created dummy variable will be coded 1 if the original variable is larger or equal to its median, 0 otherwise. The user may choose between (1) "percentile", (2) "one" and (3) "each" option. In (...
How do I createdummy variables? 4.2 Short-cuts How do I performelement-by-element operationsonmatrices? How can Ilist,drop, andkeepa consecutive set of variables without typing the names individually? Can I apply thelabel valuescommand to more than one variable at the same time? I want to ...
Stata: 產生虛擬變量(Create dummy variables)進階篇 Stata: 加總同性質的資料(Aggregate similar Observations) Stata: 加總同性質的資料(Aggregate similar Observations) ~2 Stata: 處理Missing Value Stata: 處理Missing Value之二 Stata: 快速檢視 missing data ...