test[fee1_mean]X1 =[fee2_mean]X1 SUR似无相关检验没研究清楚,先放在这,占个坑位,上面自用的代码,最后一步test总是显示fee1_mean not found,不知为何???!!! 好的我搞懂了! test[fee1_mean]X1 =[fee2_mean]X1,这句命令的中括号前后不能出现空格,否则就寄。 补充下SUR似无相关检验,分组数据回归在...
use auto, clear file auto.dta not found //系统提示无法找到文件,因为 auto.dta 不在 d:/ r(601); . sysuse auto,clear //无论当前路径是什么,该命令均能打开系统自带文件 示例数据 Auto :美国 1978 年汽车数据,包括产地、车名、行使里程、重量等变量 Bplong 血压数据 Cancer 药物实验生存数据 Census...
\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_notfound.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_parse.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayespredict_regexm.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayesstats.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_bayesstats_...
d.,and options are optional.options are separated from the rest of the command by a comma.•Optional pieces do not preclude one another unless explicitly stated.For the list command,it is possible to use a varlist with if and in .•If a part of a word is underlined,the underlined ...
(file ofdi_affcompfininfo.dta not found) file ofdi_affcompfininfo.dta saved Contains data from ofdi_affcompfininfo.dta Observations: 6,258 Variables: 28 27 May 2023 12:50 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ---...
{result:21.3}" display "error: variable not found" display "{txt}the variable mpg has mean {res:21.3} in the sample" display "When using the {cmd:summarize} command, specify" display "{cmdab:su:mmarize}[{it:varlist}][{it:weight}][{cmdab:if} {it:exp}]" display "{opt replace}...
use nlswork, clear file nlswork.dta not found 此时,如果确定该数据为示例数据,可以直接通过网络获取,其命令为: 中国人民大学 陈传波 23 chrisccb@126.com STATA 十八讲:3 数据 . use /data/r9/nlswork //从网站获取数据,或者 . webuse nlswork, clear //与前一命令等价,从STATA官方数据库获取数据 ...
127表示命令没有找到(Command Not Found) 126表示不是可执行的(Not an executable) >=128 信号产生 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 目录管理 目录常用目录: ls: 列出目录 pwd: 显示目前的目录 cd: 切换目录 mkdir:创建一个新的目录 rmdir:删除一个空的目录 ...
2、Error! Reference source not found.1. Stata的特点与功能 将统计功能与计量分析完整地结合起来。不仅可以实现诸多统计分析方法,比如描述统计、假设检验、方差分析、主成分分析等,而且可以实现多种计量经济模型的估计和检验,包括经典单方程回归模型、方程组模型、微观数据模型(离散选择模型、计数模型、截断模型、归并模...
On mac, the library is found on the system, but users have sometimes reported problems. In those cases it may help to install libiconv with conda (see later, compilation on mac). Readstat also depends on zlib; it was reported not to be installed by default on Lubuntu. If you face ...