字符型转换成数值型的STATA方法 字符型转换成数值型的STATA⽅法 1、encode varname, gen (newvarname),重新⽣成⼀个新的变量,内容与字符型的相同。2、 Convert string variables to numeric variables:destring [varlist] , {generate(newvarlist)|replace} [destring_options]字符转数值 Convert numeric ...
Mechanically, the answer to this question is simple. To convert from string to numeric data in Stata, you have your choice between .destring stringvar, generate(numvar) or .generate numvar = real(stringvar) Which you choose is mostly a matter of personal preference.destringreturns an error if...
destring String,gen(Str2Num)tostring Number,gen(Num2Str) 初学者总是容易将destring和encode混淆,其实两者的用途是有区别的: destring: Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice versa. encode: Encode string into numeric and vice versa. encode主要用于将数据进行编码、分组,将连续性变量转换成分组...
Convert string to numeric Convert numeric to string Sort and compare Unicode strings based on locale Regular expression pattern matching Regular expression pattern replacement Regular expression pattern subexpressions Convert string to valid Stata name Wildcard pattern matching Convert strings to/from Unicode...
Data management :How to convert a string variable to a numeric variable 在我们处理数据的时候,经常会遇到原始数据的数据类型不是我们所需要的数据类型,这就需要我们将原始数据中的一些数据类型进行转换,从而将其转成我们期望的数据类型。本视频将为大家介绍在数据管理中如何将将字符串变量转换为数字变量。
destring : convert string variables to numeric foreach : loop over elements of a list, performing a block of code forvalues : loop over a numlist, performing a block of code local: define or modify alocalmacro (scalar variable) use : load a Stata dataset ...
foreach var of varlist _all { capture destring `var', replace if _rc != 0 { di as error "Cannot convert `var' to numeric." } } 上述代码会尝试将所有变量转换为数值类型。 如果某个变量无法转换,capture会捕获错误,并打印出无法转换的变量名。 如果可以确定所有字符串变量都应该转换为数值,并且不...
How can I quickly convert many string variables to numeric variables? How can I turn a string variable containing dates into a date variable Stata can recognize? How can I extract a portion of a string variable using regular expressions?
Stata日期和时间处理指南说明书 in Stata Gabriela Ortiz Applied Econometrician StataCorp LLC 1
Stata数据管理——数据管理命令简介说明书 Title stata.com data management—Introduction to data management commands Description Reference Also see Description This manual,called[D],documents Stata’s data management features.See Mitchell(2010)for additional information and examples on data management in Stata...