大家在演示教材中的例子时,经常发现为何相同的命令,教材可以得到结果,而自己运行却出现错误,如最常见是扎眼的红色信息 command fuzzydid is unrecognized 常用的外部命令来源: Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive (repec.org) Stata Journal ( stata-journal.com/) Stata Technical Bulletin (STB) (stata...
如果出现报错 command avar is unrecognized,则输入 ssc install avar,安装后再次运行命令。 . event_plot e(b_iw)#e(V_iw), default_look graph_opt(xtitle('Periods since the event') ///> ytitle('Average causal effect') xlabel(-14(1)5) title('Sun and Abraham (2020)') ///> name(SA,...
如果出现command outreg2 is unrecognized这种类似的,要先安装command 后面的那个命令,执行命令前先下载,输入ssc install outreg2,再执行应该就可以了,我做的时候出现问题是这样搞的,希望有帮助 2024-04-26 09:126回复 Lencb哥,还在吗 2024-05-02 13:38回复 天才如我66666回复@Lencb : 有什么问题吗兄弟 2024...
reneme rjgdp gdp_per unrecognized command: reneme 表示这个命令在Stata中不存在。 再如命令中的一些表达式写错了,比如 scatter rjgdp rjcap if year=2006 命令中year后面误写为一 个等号(应为两个),则出现错误信息: . scatter rjgdp rjcap if year=2006 invalid syntax 当遇到错误提示信息时,可在网上进行...
我的软件是stataMP16,老师给的,我在使用的过程中发现安装不了diff命令,如下 该怎么解决啊,是因为软件不是正版的原因吗 分享回复赞 stata吧 uglyboy356 哪位大神指导一下,我啥我的stata16.0执行完xtscc命令后显示 command xtscc is unrecognized 分享6赞 stata吧 97dime stata 运行【eventstudy命令】出现 type ...
unrecognizedcommand:xxxx 3.2课件的使用方法 Q1.课程配套的资料有哪些? A:资料如表1所示,本次课程所涉及的方法和模型的Stata实现过程和相关的数据、程序 文件统一存放于PX_B_2016a文件夹下,详情参见图1。 表1资料 资料名称简要说明使用方法 stata13.rarstata13软件包参见第4页,4.1小节 PX_B_2016a.rar课程的do...
大家在演示教材中的例子时,经常发现为何相同的命令,教材可以得到结果,而自己运行却出现错误,如最常见是扎眼的红色信息 command fuzzydid is unrecognized 常用的外部命令来源: Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive (http://www.repec.org) Stata Journal ( https://www.stata-journal.com/) Stata Technical...
199. unrecognized command Stata failed to recognize the command, program, or ado-file name, probably because of a typographical or abbreviation error. 301. last estimates not found You typed an estimation command, such as regress, without arguments or attempted to perform a test or typed predict...
18.1 Description When you type a command that Stata does not recognize, Stata first looks in its memory for a program of that name. If Stata finds it, Stata executes the program. There is no Stata command named hello, . hello command hello is unrecognized r(199); but there could be if...
* Return the graph command ereturn local graphcmd `"`graphcmd'"' * If linetype specified: return matrix of regression coefficients if inlist("`linetype'","lfit","qfit","expfit","logfit") { forvalues yi=`ynum'(-1)1 { ereturn matrix y`yi'_coefs=`y`yi'_coefs' } } ...