decribe unrecognized command: r(199); end of do-file r(199); . decribe The first error message and return code were caused by the illegal decribe. This then caused the do-file itself to be aborted; the valid list command was never executed. 8.1.3 Advanced programming to tolerate errors ...
unrecognizedcommand:xxxx 3.2课件的使用方法 Q1.课程配套的资料有哪些? A:资料如表1所示,本次课程所涉及的方法和模型的Stata实现过程和相关的数据、程序 文件统一存放于PX_B_2016a文件夹下,详情参见图1。 表1资料 资料名称简要说明使用方法 stata13.rarstata13软件包参见第4页,4.1小节 PX_B_2016a.rar课程的do...