append using "cohort1.dta" append using "cohort2.dta" rm "cohort1.dta" rm "cohort2.dta" rm "cohort3.dta" sort cohort stkcd year reghdfe y did, a(stkcd#cohort year#cohort) vce(cl stkcd) (1)多期 DID 结果 (2)堆叠 DID 结果 3.自定义命令实现堆叠 DID cap program drop stackdid pro...
Append datasets Append time series Watch How to merge files into a single dataset. Watch How to append files into a single dataset. Special datasetsLongitudinal data/panel data Survival/duration data Time series Survey data Multiple imputations Discrete choice data Spatial data UtilitiesCoun...
首先根据数据集生成的空间权重矩阵命令,需要用到的命令为:spatwmat,spatwmat的语法格式为: spatwmat [ using filename ] , name(weights_matrix) [ drop(numlist) xcoord(varname) ycoord(varname) band(numlist) friction(#) binary standardize eigenval(eigen_matrix) ] 具体应用案例介绍为: spatwmat usin...
tsappendAdd observations to a time-series dataset tsfillFill in gaps in time variable tsfilterFilter a time series for cyclical components tsfilter bkBaxter–King time-series filter tsfilter bwButterworth time-series filter tsfilter cfChristiano–Fitzgerald time-series filter ...
S458923 XFRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append data frames to the end of the current data frame by Roger Newson S458922 CIRCULARKDE: Stata module to perform kernel density estimation for circular data by Isaias Hazarmabeth Salgado-Ugarte & Verónica Mitsui Saito-Quezada & Marco Aurelio Pérez-Hern...
in Stata. Stata version 11.2 or newer is required. Some functions may require newer Stata versions. Installation from GitHub: . net install moremata, replace from( Functions: mm_kern(): various kernel functions ...
appendfile module to append text files tssc install appendfile archlm module to calculate LM test for ARCH effects tssc install archlm archqq module to generate Q-Q plot and distribution tests for ARCH models tssc install archqq ardl module to perform autoregressive distributed lag model est...
appendfile Module to append text files archlm Module to calculate LM test for ARCH effects archqq Module to generate Q-Q plot and distribution tests for ARCH models arimafit Module to calculate AIC, SIC for ARIMA model armadiag Module to compute post-estimation residual diagnostics for time seri...
The first three chapters are dedicated to the basic skills needed to effectively use Stata: loading data into Stata; using commands likegenerateandreplace,egen, andsortto manipulate variables; taking advantage of loops to automate tasks; and creating new datasets by usingmergeandappend. Baum succinct...
each orig in "Domestic" "Foreign" { foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" { regsave_tbl using "`my_table'" if origin=="`orig'" & rhs=="`rhs'", name(col`run_no') asterisk(10 5 1) parentheses(stderr) sigfig(3) `replace' local run_no = `run_no'+1 local replace append } ...