Contains data from mseall.dta Observations: 2,969,557 MSEALL Variables: 50 13 Sep 2023 19:46 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ---
I use thesyntaxcommand to improve the command that implements the OLS estimator that I discussed inProgramming an estimation command in Stata: A first command for OLS. I show how to require that all variables be numeric variables and how to make the command accept time-series operated variables...
pvarfevd,response(dln_inv) *CompareIRF-allvariables irfgraphoirf,byop(yrescale) estrestorepvar1_1 pvarirf,byop(yrescale)oirfmc(200) *CompareIRF-dln_inv:dln_inv irfgraphoirf,i(dln_inv)r(dln_inv)title("VAR1")saving(var1_irf,replace) estrestorepvar1_1 pvarirf,imp(dln_inv)res(dln_i...
Using outreg2 for summary statistics: all variables in dataset Example6: stata code: cd E:\stata\results sysuse auto, clear outreg2 using 计量经济学服务中心.doc, replace sum(log) Using outreg2 for summary statistics: selected variables stata code: cd E:\stata\results sysuse auto, clear outre...
上述代码中,_b[varname]是什么?是Stata内置的、不需要我们自己定义的变量,也叫系统变量(System variables)。Stata手册有一小节专门讲述了常见系统变量的含义(见下图)。 常见系统变量:与回归结果相关 _b[varname](也可以写成_coef[varname]):提取回归系数。
打开Stata后我们便可以看到它常用的四个窗口:Stata Results; Review; Variables; Stata Command。我们所有的运行结果都会在Stata Results界面中显示;而命令的输入则在Stata Command窗口;Review窗口记录我们使用过的命令;最后Variables窗口显示存在于当前数据库中的所有变量的名称。可以直接点击 Review窗...
Because not all variables will contain value labels, we will first create a local list of the variables that contain value labels. local list "year answer" Now we are ready to loop over this list and create macros that contain the value label for each value of all variables in the loc...
qui:label variable `prefix'`var'"minmax standardized `var'"di"===> `prefix'`var' generated"}di"---xxxxxx---"di"all the variables you specified are **minmax standardized**"}if"`methods'"!=""{if"`methods'"!="minmax"{diaserr `"nothing happened, only methods("minmax") allowed"'...
30、次标识符 :将宽数据转换为长数据的命令:根据次标识符指定的、有共同主干、但不同尾缀的一组变量,生成一个新变量:同前:变量j代表次标识符,在数据中已经存在,是生成新变量的依据没有在reshape命令中指定的变量对同一个i变量的取值而言,其取值也必须是同样的(相当于对话框中的Note:All other variables should...
在此之下,有四个窗口,分别为,左上“review”(历史窗口):此窗口记录着自启动stata以来执行过的命令,左下“variables”(变量窗口):此窗口记录着目前stata 内存中的所有变量,右上“results”(结果窗口):此窗口显示执行stata 命令后的输出结果,右下“command”(命令窗口):在此窗口输入想要执行的stata 命令,为了使屏幕...