TEACHING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TOOLS WITH THE STATAPULT: FROM DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS TO EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN A "statapult" is introduced to enable student teams to apply quality improvement tools to self-generated data. The statapult operates like a catapult and l... MC Springer - Meeting of the Dec...
命令介绍:spcs2xt: Convert Squared Cross Section to Panel Spatial Weight Matrix spcs2xt通过stata中已有的dta文件,将已经存在的横截面矩阵,在相邻位置之间创建或生成平方的面板空间权矩阵和文件,以用于面板空间回归分析。 命令语法格式为: spcs2xtvarlist , panel(numlist) time(numlist) matrix(new_panel_weight...