错误消息“Can 't convert fun,a double vector,to a function”听起来像是在你的全局环境中有一个...
错误消息“Can 't convert fun,a double vector,to a function”听起来像是在你的全局环境中有一个...
1: In stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "smooth", method = "lm", size = 2, : Ignoring unknown parameters: `method` 2: In max(ids, na.rm = TRUE) : max里所有的参数都不存在;回覆-Inf 查询解释: 在ggplot2中,stat_summary()函数用于计算摘要统计量,并且可以通过geom参数指定绘制的几何对象。
r - 使用 mean_cl_boot 获取 stat_summary 计算的值_Stack Overflow中文网 r - What do ggplot's stat_summary errorbars mean? - Cross Validated (stackexchange.com) smean.sd: Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector in Hmisc: Harrell Miscellaneous (rdrr.io) 通过自定义函数在柱状图/箱线图中添加均...
RequireJS是符合AMD规范(Asynchronous module definition异步模块加载)一种js加载方式,目的是为了防止加载js的时候阻塞html页面渲染,其使用非常简单。 首先要去下载一个require.js,网址:http://requirejs.org/docs/download.html 在html文件中引入require.js: <script type="text/javascript" data-main="js/main...
✖ The following aesthetics are invalid: ✖ `yend = after_stat(density)` ℹ Did you map your stat in the wrong layer? Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred. 和 stat_summary,但是我似乎找不到正确的咒语。我还知道 Ggridges软件包部分支持了这类事情,但这是必须...
1 plotting barplots with standard errors using R 8 ggplot2: plotting bars when using stat_summary() 2 Error bars not plotting correctly on barplot 4 Creating barplot with standard errors plotted in R 1 Error bars in ggplot2 stat_summary_bin 2 Set error bars to standard deviation on...
在Kubernetes中,HPA(Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)是一种自动扩缩容应用程序的方式,可以根据应用程序负载...
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The Status of The Black Rockfish Resources in 1999. Farron R. Wallace,Wallace, F.R., Hoffmann, A. and Tagart, J.V. (1999) Status of the black rockfish resource in 1999. In: Appendix to the Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Through 1999 and Recommended Acceptable Biological...