JMS 管理工具完整名稱: STATREFRESHINT JMS 管理工具簡稱: SRI 以編程方式存取 setter/getter MQConnectionFactory.setStatusRefreshInterval() MQConnectionFactory.getStatusRefreshInterval() 值 6000 任何正整數都可以是預設值。 如需相關資訊,請參閱JMS 物件的 SSL 內容。
STATREFRESHINT 长时间运行的事务的刷新之间的时间间隔(以毫秒为单位),该事务检测订户何时断开与队列管理器的连接。 仅当SUBSTORE 的值为 QUEUE 时,此属性才相关。 适用对象 ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, XAConnectionFactory, XATopicConnectionFactory JMS管理工具长名称 :STATREFRESHINT JMS管理工具短名称...
更多“How often does the CSQ stat screen……”相关的问题 第1题 --___ does Kitty play the guitar?-- Two hours() A、How often B、How long C、How much D、How many 点击查看答案 第2题 这节课要上多久() A、How long does the class last B、How soon does the class...
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library - fix: The onRefresh method is missing from the QRCode component's stat… · ant-design/ant-design@1a6211c
ALL_REFRESH ALL_REFRESHは、現行のユーザーがアクセスできるリフレッシュ・グループをすべて示します。
ERROR - merge sql error, dbType postgresql, druid-1.1.11, sql : Refresh MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY vw_m_aaa_user_details WITH DATA syntax error, e...
After opening the feedback form and filling the required fields, the send button initially active. However, upon closing the form, the following error appears in the console. When the form is reopened and the required fields are filled in again, the send button remains inactive. ...
Allow us to simplify and streamline the process for you with our AED Refresh Packs, an AED Superstore exclusive! No more searching for each individual item you need to keep your AED supplies up-to-date and ready for use. Let us save you time and effort! AED Superstore has bundled the es...
期待已久的姜丹尼尔与百事可乐合作单曲《Refresh》来啦,整体的蓝色concept搭配传统服饰和西装看起来无比的青春活力期待未来更多合作[心] 306回复 查看1条回复 美女:你这样一说还真的怪像的不知道这两个人是谁,但是这首歌真的挺好的 T. 2020年4月23日 17:14 啊啊啊啊 丹妮真的绝美!! 277回复 Jes 2020年4...
The interval, in milliseconds, between refreshes of the long running transaction that detects when a subscriber loses its connection to the queue manager.John Maltby, User Technologies, Hursley. Ext: 246176 Notes: John Maltby/UK/IBM@IBMGB E-mail: