13When employees may be required to work on a statutory holiday... 15Employees on maternity or parental leave or on temporary layoff... 15Forgoing a day off work... 16Pay for a statutory holiday... 17Regular wages...
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a new holiday to commemorate residential schools, will be held on Sept.30 for the first time this year.But it’s not really a stat holiday, I’ve been informed I have to work. Can’t attend any events for this!@fordnation@normmillerpc —...
While Canada prepares to honour the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Friday, the majority of provinces have not followed the federal government’s move to make it a statutory holiday for its workers. New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territori...
While Canada prepares to honour the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Friday, the majority of provinces have not followed the federal government’s move to make it a statutory holiday for its workers. New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territorie...
Jennifer Wood hopes that Manitoba will soon enact legislation making the day a statutory holiday. Wood, who lives in Winnipeg, is a survivor from Neyaashiinigmiing Ojibwe Territory in Ontario. “It will really show that the sincerity of everything that’s happened is taken seriously....