Twitter Google Share on Facebook stasis Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia sta·sis (stā′sĭs, stăs′ĭs)·ses(stā′sēz, stăs′ēz) 1.A condition of balance among various forces; motionlessness:"Language is a primary element of culture, and stasis in the ar...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Acronyms,Wikipedia. stasis [′stā·səs] (medicine) A cessation of the normal flow of blood or other body fluids. ...
Stasis Dermatitis - Etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis & prognosis from the Merck Manuals - Medical Professional Version.
"Venous stasis dermatitis is one of the things you want to learn to recognize, as hospitalization is typically not needed." Bilateral cellulitis on legs? Think venous stasis dermatitis The key to treatment of this venous stasis ulceration was to interrupt the fistula [4]. A Case of Superficia...
Stasis dermatitis is a drawn out condition that causes irritation, ulcers, and bothersome skin on the lower legs. It regularly happens in individuals who have basic conditions that influence blood stream in the legs, like persistent venous inadequacy, varicose veins, profound vein apoplexy (DVT), ...
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In elderly patients, even those with a typical venous (stasis) ulcer, coexisting conditions like peripheral arterial insufficiency and diabetes are very common. Therefore, all elderly patients with leg ulcers should have a complete medical assessment. The mainstay of treatment for venous ulcers is co...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook stasis (redirected fromvenous stasis) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia sta·sis (stā′sĭs, stăs′ĭs)·ses(stā′sēz, stăs′ēz) 1.A condition of balance among various forces; motionlessness:"Language is a primary element of culture, and stasi...
Stasis dermatitis is a common skin condition secondary to chronic venous insufficiency. Characteristic dermatologic changes in well-developed disease include bilateral erythematous, scaly, and slightly discolored papules and plaques on the lower legs. Earlier signs, such as prominent superficial veins and ...
We conclude that (1) TcPo2 is reduced in regions of skin affected by stasis dermatitis, and (2) elastic compression improves TcPo2 (during upright posture) in limbs with stasis dermatitis.Thom W. RookeDivisions of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal MedicineLarry H. Hollier...