No other GPO is interfering as I have set this as the only one applied to the OU and it still fails to run. I am yet to get any PowerShell script to run on start-up so assume it must be isolated to this format as oppose to the specific script. Further support will be greatly re...
I set the script as a GPO in a machine local GP and restarted and it ran so this is only present when it has to run the script has to run remotely over the domain. As requested by Narcoticoo, the script contains the following: Get-AppxPackage *bingsports* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-A...
Hello everyone. Is it even possible to add/edit a gpo startup script through registry? Google is vague on the question. I mean it ignores the "registry" part and rumbles on to tell me, in millions of search results, how to work gpo with gpedit. Script is added using pow...
Hello everyone. Is it even possible to add/edit a gpo startup script through registry? Google is vague on the question. I mean it ignores the "registry" part and rumbles on to tell me, in millions of search results, how to work gpo with gpedit. Script is added using powershell, ab...
I created a GPO with a computer startup script, and the GPO didn't take effect immediately. However, the GPO worked fine the next day. What's going on? You probably have some replication delay problems. When testing scripts, run them in visible mode to be sure they're actually running...
I created a GPO with a computer startup script, and the GPO didn't take effect immediately. However, the GPO worked fine the next day. What's going on? You probably have some replication delay problems. When testing scripts, run them in visible mode to be sure they're actually running...
Edit: Opens theEdit Scriptdialog box, where you can change script information, such as name and parameters. Remove: Removes the selected script from theStartup Scriptslist. Show Files: Displays the script files that are stored in the selected GPO. ...
Startup Scripts for <Group Policy object>: Lists all the scripts that currently are assigned to the selected GPO. If you assign multiple scripts, the scripts are processed in the order that you specify. To move a script up in the list, click it, and then clickUp. To move a script down...
Show Files: Displays the script files that are stored in the selected GPO. Additional considerations Setting logon scripts to run synchronously may cause the logon process to run slowly. Logon scripts are run as User, not Administrator, and their rights are limited accordingly. ...
If necessary, you can use the "Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts" Group Policy setting to adjust this time to make sure that the startup script finishes running. The path of this setting in the GPMC, when you edit a GPO, is Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\...