谷歌宣布了 Startup School India,这是该公司为该国的初创企业提供支持的倡议。Startup School India 是一个为期 9 周的虚拟计划,其中包括 Google 领导者和来自整个创业生态系统的 合作者之间的炉边聊天。谷歌宣布启动印度创业学校计划 该计划将涵盖有关制定有效产品战略、深入了解产品用户价值、路线图和 PRD 开发、...
著名的投资人 Ron Conway 讲述了自己投资 Twitter 的经历。1998 年,他的公司投资了 Google。由于 Google 收购 Blogger,他遇到了 Evan Williams。随后,他又投资了 Evan Williams 下一个初创公司 Odeo。当 Odeo 解散的时候,出于愧疚的心理,Williams 把钱还给了投资者们。Conway 对此很感动,他立刻表示会投资 Williams ...
Startup School:科技界知名人士讲述创业经验 Startup School 是著名的创业孵化公司 Y Combinator 举办的聚会。它主要面对新的创业者。在聚会上,科技界的著名人士会分享自己投资、创业的经验。今年是第七届聚会,Evernote 创始人 Phil Libin、天使投资人 Ron Conway、Twitter 联合创始人 Jack Dorsey 都分享了自己的经验...
Global technology companies including Facebook and Google have launched major technology platforms for education, and begun investing financial resources in other startup firms. More specifically, Silicon Valley has become the centre for a 'startup school' movement which has seen entrepreneurs associated...
Startup School是Y Combinator每年都会举办的大型活动。它诣在聚集起最优秀的创业者、开发者,并通过一系列的对话和演讲,将成功创业者、投资人的经验和智慧传播给坐在台下的大脑。当然,这并不是一个开放的活动。任何人都能够申请参加Startup School,但YC最终会根据他们的喜好和要求进行选拔。如果总结起来的话,申请的...
【编者按】:本文是硅谷的年轻华人创业者Ethan Gui (新浪微博:@伊特罕)向PingWest发来的文章。Ethan参加了今年由Y Combinator组织的Startup School活动。不同于那些我们惯常见到的创业者“格言”摘录,Ethan站在一个创业者(准创业者)的角度,通过Facebook扎克伯格、Pinterest Ben Silbermann等知名创业者的实际案例与心得(...
From working on side projects at Stanford to working at Google and eventually founding Instagram, Kevin Systrom urged the Startup School audience to “have a bias toward action.” Keep moving, learning and making progress. In terms of technical skill, you don’t have to be the best – ...
In addition, startups will have full access to deals and credits to a variety of other services, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Clerky. Startup School is designed for any startup founder who would like to get help through the earliest, most difficult challenges of starting ...
Tesla: To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Microsoft: A computer on every desk and in every home. Google: Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful List your values then model the behavior ...
这次申请公司的暴增,主要归功于 YC 旗下 Startup School 的影响力在全球范围内扩大。它是YC的免费在线教学项目,教人们如何创业,并提供建议和社区平台。去年YC有1.05万家公司参加 Startup School; 今年演示的公司中,则有30%参加了最新一期 Startup School。